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Hunger Strikers $400,000 doing carnage to CNCP Rail!

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    Hunger Strikers $400,000 doing carnage to CNCP Rail!

    Update on results of Hunger Strike... since it was recently brought up on Agriville: I didn't put a curse on CNCP Rail... they did it themselves.

    Perhaps the CNCP rail team... should return the $400,000.00 to the rightful owners... and stop the carnage they are doing to themselves.

    Financial Post May 14 2015:
    "CP and CN Rail shares have climbed as much as 260 and 185 per cent, respectively, over the past five years, but both stocks have stumbled after reaching new highs in recent months."

    CNrail:CN President and CEO Claude Mongeau informs‎ employees and stakeholders of health setback

    Removal of precancerous throat tumour to require about three months of medical treatment and recovery

    MONTREAL, Aug. 12, 2015 /CNW/ - In a communication addressed to all CN (TSX: CNR) (NYSE: CNI) employees today (click here), Claude Mongeau, president and chief executive officer, advises that he will soon need to undergo surgery to remove a rare type of precancerous soft-tissue tumour located in the upper left part of his larynx. The medical treatment plan will call for a surgery towards the end of August or early in September, an expected month or so to heal properly, followed by around six weeks of targeted radiation therapy to completely cure the illness so the tumour does not recur in the future."

    No news on return of CEO Hunter Harrison to date to CPrail after health problems. CPrail stock has gone from $247 to $184.

    Ewart: Communication goes off the rails at Canadian Pacific

    More from Stephen Ewart, Calgary Herald
    Published on: July 24, 2015 | Last Updated: July 24, 2015 12:13 PM MDT

    CP Canadian Pacific ... 184.13 Market Cap. $29.42B
    CNR Canadian National... 70.80 Market Cap. $56.46B

    The $400K the CNCP Rail 'won' from our western Canadian rail car maintenance class action challenge... has paid BIG... LOSSES. After the 30 percent deduct for US currency... Well...

    The Lord says... "Vengeance is Mine"

    Posted this:
    Author TOM4CWB
    "Topic: Best grain hedge... short CP Rail stocks!

    TOM4CWB posted Jul 25, 2015 12:47

    Who is about to get hammered on all sides in the upcoming CDN federal election promises massive changes to RR service requirements!. Recession looming CDN$ crashing.. what better short position could a farmer put on?
    IP: Logged

    TOM4CWB Reply posted Jul 25, 2015 13:05
    Is CP actually a well run 'CDN' company?
    Well... no would be the likely answer... as the Board of Directors went through the June 30 month end... losing status as Canadian... because CP Rail had too many US Directors???

    "Controversy over resignation of another director earlier this month prompted the departures.

    Moments earlier, Creel explained the surprising absence of talismanic CEO Hunter Harrison from the call to discuss second-quarter results as the 71-year-old architect of the remarkable turnaround at the Calgary-based railway recuperated from surgery on his legs and a mild case of pneumonia.

    “It’s business as usual at CP,” Creel assured investors and analysts.

    The succinct explanation didn’t resonate with the markets. Despite CP’s record $390-million profit in the second quarter, the blue chip stock lost more than five per cent of its market value Tuesday. It was neither business-as-usual nor the last word.

    The railway hastily issued another news release “in response to questions from investors and to address inaccurate speculation” to clarify the status of the leadership of the $32-billion market-cap company, and Harrison defied doctors’ orders to rest.

    In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Harrison said: “I really didn’t have any idea my not being on the call because of illness was going to cause the issues it did … I thought it was going to be kind of a non-event.”

    The U.S.-based Institute of Crisis Management defines a crisis as “any problem or disruption that triggers negative stakeholder reaction that could impact the organization’s financial strength and ability to do what it does.”

    Even for top organizations, the potential for unexpected reputation damage is ever-present.

    Harrison told the newspaper he expects to return to work in three or four weeks and will retire when his contract expires in 2017. As the news disseminated, the stock recovered above $200 a share. It’s still a stark reminder of the cost of losing control of your message — and the effort it takes to get it back."

    One has to question whether CP's Board of Directors and management are revealing all the storms they are about to enter!!!


    CNCP... thankyou for Likely being the meanest ornery corporations in Canada.

    The Tom Jackson award for worst managed brands in business!!!"


      So who paid the 400,000? And why did they pay it if there was a lien on your land? Maybe I missed your explanation somewhere.

      Why were you in a hunger strike? Was it because rail service was really good?


        Wait for the stocks to go down, then load up with more!


          riders, i wish you all the best in getting straight answers this time around.


            Tom is more entertainment .
            answers were never his strong point.

            you never know what new conclusion can come out of nowhere.

            The mystery continues why he hates the railroad bosses, the same ones that call the shots in the Harper govt
            on transportation .

            i do not know who peed in who's cup first.
            but they should really be best of friends. given their ties to the same party.


              CN @ $70.80
              CP @ $184.13


                Schizophrenia comes to mind


                  there is nothing more detestful than a smug supposed christian revelling in someones physical illness.


                    Not Reveling at all in the illness or Stock blow off.
                    What CNCP sow... As sure as the sun rises in the east... CNCP Rail reaps.
                    They verbally tore me apart. So be it. Then to make sure.... (According to the CNCP legal council at the Calgary court hearing) No farmers ever tried to bring a unfair treatment issue before Alberta Courts... CNCP Rail insisted the $400,000.00 be paid to teach us a lesson.
                    As Far as I can see.!!
                    This short sighted bad council has cost CNCP RAIL many $Billions.
                    From the sad but true file...burn your best customers... Western Canadian Farmers.


                      See riders, there is your definitive answer.



                        Who wrote the cheque for $423,000.00 to remove the WRIT on your so called land. If it wasn't Nigel Wright then who was it? I'm thinking it may be someone with close ties to the CON/Reform party, I'm I close????

                        As for CP/CN share buying them sounds like a good idea at this point. Hunter has done a great job at getting that CP share price up since taking over a few years ago.

                        Sour g****s as usual, Right TOM !!!!



                          You say you want know... I told you folks time after time over months... at face value. You have been clearly told and CHOSE/Choose to refute the truth.

                          This class action I was chosen to be the class representative for; was not originated by...nor connected in any way to; the present Conservative or past Reform Party. This is clearly a matter of public record... which anyone can access if they desire.

                          Have a great evening and Harvest!

                          I count it a blessing to know and trust many MP's and Ministers that have served in Ottawa. They are wonderful giving people.


                            If only we had something to refute.


                              Same old pessimists! You guys complain about the evil railroads, someone takes a stand against them and then you run down that guy and almost praise the rr's ! Pure jealosy pessimistic people! Same old bunch, you don't like to see anybody but yourselves succeed. Misery loves company! Enjoy your day pessimists.


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