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Frost advisory for tonight.

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    Frost advisory for tonight.

    Here we go....
    Good luck to all in the frost advisory area.
    5-7 more good warm days is all we needed. Wasn't to be...
    Hope it helps the price.

    Another week here would be nice. Not looking good at all though. Hope the fact I am on higher ground than the surrounding area helps some ike it has in the past. Canola is swathable at least now, if it weren't for water running in the fields, so it should be fairly safe. Don't know about the fabas though.

    They sure changed the foreast lows as the day went along. From 5, to 3, to 2 and now 0. Corn in garden just getting ready. Kids pumpkins will get covered....

    I HATE the first fall frost. Hate it. It is so wet, maybe that will help? Like creeks are running like spring runoff kind of soaking wet.

    Won't know until a few days pass.


      Must be a full moon on another planet 'cause there isn't one here.


        I have heard stories from 04 that's there were crops in the Moosomin area were soaking wet from the rain, went down to -3/-4, did not effect it at all, they had 50 bushel canola that year.

        So yes, I think it helps a lot free wheat.

        Fingers crossed.

        I have a helleva crop coming. Thinking I won't loose much yield at all. I checked it today and I didn't find many seeds that were not firm. Greens would be a issue though.

        We will see!


          Give it a rest grrr, go listen to your meteor guys.


            grrr, that was belly laugh funny.


              Coldest overnight temps here per month
              April - within 1 day of full moon
              May - within 3 days of full moon
              June - was 4 days
              July - was 4 days
              Aug - was 4 days
              Sept YTBD but my guess it will be close to the 27th .
              The coolest nights have always been within the full moon phase for as long as I can remember in this area - not always frost during summer but almost always coolest.
              Maybe I should just not pay attention and listen to the "experts" - that turns out great in all other aspects of farming - lol.


                I wonder how that worked out for guys that spent $150/ac on fert at or before seeding in drought areas on "expert" opinions? Not digging the farmers but it's the "experts" in any field that usually have an agenda behind their opinions and or recommendations. I have none, other than what I see first hand and after many years of being "weathered".
                These weather experts have been not even close for the most part all year.
                Drew was close with a drier than normal basis for May, June, July - I will give him that - but he did not state it would be near record dry during that period in many areas. Did he call for a very wet Sept ? Not sure, just asking , cause it's gona be. Drew has been the closest out of all though the past 4 years.
                Expert opinions are like assholes - everyone has one.


                  No wonder I can't grow **** all. I'll have to double my fert!!! Those rates would never pencil out here. Oh well I'll keep slummin it in the ghetto here where our fall risk of frost isn't too early.


                    Lol - same here , no need for me to listen to "expert" opinions to get economical returns . But a lot do .


                      I'm the type of operator who looks for ways to save a nickel not spend another one. Point of diminishing returns, there are limits.

                      I think we will escape any frost damage this week. There wouldn't be too much at risk around here anyway.

                      I hope it stays away for a couple more weeks for those who are vulnerable now.


                        But a lot to better then you Furrow. You keep on top dressing with your expensive n top dress even thou it has failed on many of farms. But you're a dealer so it must work!!!! And power to you if it works on your farm. What I do works on my farm. Come on for **** sakes. You do it your way and assume because people have more expensive equipment and put proper nutrient levels down at a different time then you that you must be fricken God or something and have all the answers. Get your fricken head out of the sand and realize you're in a group of many many many progressive farmers in the area.


                          I will spend a nickel to make a quarter though if I can half way to the finish line and things are going good . If not I agree , that nickel stays in my pocket , not in someone else's pocket before the start line .


                            Saskcan , Did you try it ? Or going by hear say ? If you never had a side by side on the same field on your farm your statement is hear say . Nothing works 100 % all the time including traditional fert - especially on a dry May, June, July period.
                            BTW - where did that comment come from ? Many farms ? Name them , I know a few , but I know more that It worked that it never - fact .
                            What's proper nutrient levels ? According to who ?
                            I am glad that what works for you - well, works for you - but thinking outside the box is not wrong either.
                            What's a progressive farm ? Yours ? Good on you. Progressive farms come in many sizes.
                            A lot of progressive farms in this area are staging their fert now more than ever - with what I sell or others sell - doesn't matter - just a differerent way to approach fertility is all .
                            Point is that all traditional fert "experts" , dealers and equipment dealers drual over guys that go all in up front - good , bad or otherwise .
                            And ya will keep top dressing as needed if needed if weather and crop conditions are conducive to do so.
                            What does it cost to gain 15 bus/ac and 1 point protein with conventional fert in wheat? Prob 30 to $40 /ac I believe . No more than foliar with a lot less equipment and cost of time at seeding . Foliar feeding and or top dressing has been a mainstay in many other countries and many progressive farms in every other part of the world so why not here ?
                            Again my dig was on fert experts - not farmers - everyone does their own thing - certainly had nothing to do with you . Good luck on harvest - unless your a "fert " dealer , then you just being an ass .
                            I deal with a lot of guys with much more and less expensive equipment - doesn't matter - I am just trying to make what they are using more efficient and hopefully get as good as crop or better. There is a lot more to it than the actual cost per pound of N.


                              Yes I did have it side by side on the farm as well as numerous other like products over the years. Always willing to try something small scale if the science matches! Split apps can work imo but the same level of success can be had from much cheaper products. And you're right cost per N has nothing tondo with anything. All about ROI. Let's no sugar coat things. You are one of the experts with a motive. You just sell a different product.

                              My assumption is you didn't go all in this year and even thou your yields are respectable you left something in the table or you put on all the nutrients you plannes on and gambled that the weather would change. Dry at herb timing dry at fung timing why would you add more??

                              Absolutely nothing wrong with thinking outside the box but bashing tried and trued techniques, virtually laughing at them is where you are wrong. Equipment savings etc etc get chewed up substantially by the cost of the product versus "traditional" products. Different to be different doesn't make one better then the other.

                              Proper nutrients are determined ultimately by me. I know my farm better then anyone. I've seen the numbers over the last many years. I know what I can produce using x number of y. If we had a true drought where is my unused NPK?


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