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What is the temp in your area?

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    What is the temp in your area?

    Plus 3 at 12:30. Not gunna sleep anyway, will be checking every little bit.

    4 North of North Battleford. I see 1 at Glaslyn and it's been 0 at Spirtwood for an hour already. Lots of crop around North Battleford is beyond damage except for reseeded canola. Glaslyn area still has a lot of canola standing plus reseeded stuff that's more then a week away. Spiritwood is going to be hit hard by the looks of things. Lots of moisture around. Maybe that will help a little bit??!


      Regina shows 9C at airport but it feels cooler outside at 12:45


        What is the "wet frost, less damage" theory? Does the water offer insulation? Is it because it takes more to cool off wet soil? I have always been told a dry frost is damaging, a wet frost may do nothing.


          5 currently.

          Forecast shows 1 for 6am.


            .1.6 at 5 am MB time. Gonna be very close.


              Drive to three fields 0.4, -0.8, - 1.3. What little second growth I had is likely toast.


                31, with a 34 humidex
                Not helping??


                  Freewheat, I think when it's wet the plant cells are full of water so the cellular walls don't collapse from contraction when there's a light frost.

                  Plus 1C at Brandon at 5 am.


                    2 here , no frost in yard yet , there are a few reseeded canola crops that may be hit . Most here are swathed or are very close .


                      Yup frost now - last 20 min


                        Plus one here but the lawn is white with frost.

                        Late canola will have lots of damage. Don't have to look to know that. Lots of past experience.


                          freewheat , wet helps a lot , spring or fall. that's why that "dry" frost this spring did so much damage . showed 0 here but nothing white


                            Regina nothing its 6 at edge of city.
                            Now tonight is the night to worry about.
                            Fricking rain Sunday to Tuesday again. Shit we cant get a break.
                            Propane in yard.


                              Some areas more frost prone.
                              In ours, we are lucky to get past first week of September.
                              Over the years, August ones have been the real killers.
                              Waiting for global warming.
                              Missed last night but most local crop is past vulnerable stage.


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