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    What's everyone doing with the grain co's add on to the variety declaration in regards to questionable chemicals. Have not purchased or used either product but how can they add that to an already sighned contract. The implications if someone in the system screws up samples could be the end all for some of us. Just another cover there ass for a product they sold. Hang a farmer. We were told don't worry it never happen. If so why are they worried about it.
    Another pet pev. . is the lost grain these companies are steeling from us in harvest sample we supply for grading and again at terminal prob samples, seems to me it would be a lot of bushels by the end of yr.

    Not to be a prick but the harvest samples submitted for grade and the probe samples probably don't amount to a hill of beans. Kinda hair splitting. I'd be more concerned where the real problems lie, basis with mysterious exchange calculations. Lack of transparency. Miss grading. Mix ups.

    Keep your eyes open.


      Oh my eyes are open. And I not going to disagree with you. I've seen the sample piles in the grading room and the size of the prob. On an individual basis won't hurt my bottom line. But at the end of the year prob pays for their Xmas party or what ever. We wouldnt get away with it.


        Wannabe I had the same argument will a Cultgill employee. Told them I have samples and they can sign their name to it. I used none of the chemicals but that's not the point. Sign away responsibility and then they **** up samples and it runs down hill to the farmer. No thanks. If they don't want it with samples then I guess they don't want it.


          Wait until we have to sign and be liable for individual Varieties so we can pay under UPOV91. What is a few or more kernals are hung up or mixed in samplers? Or samples get mixed while in the elevators control.
          I have seen Wht samples that were requested for re inspection that when they were brought out of back room storage were barley in sample bottle. Never mind WHT that can't visually be identified of variety.


            Anyone know what happened in the CWB/Hudye case?


              I do not deal with grain companies any longer. Well, just one I guess for one crop, but it is a specialty crop they pay well for and give good breaks on.

              So I am out of the loop and glad to be so.


                Keep samples of everything you sell, just in case you need to defend yourselves.


                  Back to lentils and Canaryseed. Never had a problem...yet.


                    And when a dispute arises the whole argument would evolve into something along the line of he said she said..... the integrity of the samples will always be in question whether they are taken at unloading at the terminal(probed or scooped at the pit) or its the Producer's overall taken at the farm.

                    Triffid send shivers up anyone's spine? Some clown at an IHARF meeting commented about how a whole cargo could become the resposibility of a Producer whose sample proved to be contaminated with Triffid. Just imagine some Producer who unknowingly grew some contaminated CERTIFIED flaxseed having to be held responsible... I kinda bit his head off and shit down his throat. The nerve!!!! Probably a seed grower.

                    If you absolutely misrepresent your product you should be held accountable and ignorance is no excuse. What the terminal does with it after they bought it is their responsibility, not mine.


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