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Devils Trumpit

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    Devils Trumpit

    It's being discussed everywhere but here.
    Thoughts , opinions? Most likely from a certified seed variety grown in South America - not cool. Those farmers better not get left on the hook for this one.

    Make the bastards sign a declaration guaranteeing its clean and free from noxious weed seeds.

    Funny how that pendulum only swings one way.


      I heard from the horses mouth your 700 a bag liberty seed is 2 to 5 percent cleavers etc.. Pricks want you to have weed problem that needs their help.


        Read that and yes I figure it came from the SA seed production!


          Very true Farma - this needs attention ASAP. Farmers get left on the hook for a lot of shit. Cant wait for the local pea plot Data - different story - same song - One chem company aint gona like what they see.
          This is what scares me on UPOV 91 or whatever, when we will be forced to buy all "certified" seed for every acre - Who will be liable for this b/s ???? Sadly not the seed company or certified seed grower, they will be wistling Dixie in the Cayman Islands while the local farmer goes to court - and will most likely have to go on a hunger strike to save the farm. This will be very interesting to watch and unfold who will take responsibility.


            the company that grew and sold this seed need to get out there , burn the field , compensate the farmer fully , rouge his field for the next 5 years and every other one involved , but no they will blame it on the poor farmer who paid $70 /ac for this crap. the authorities are more worried that someone might have used a registered chemical on something that some other country doesn't like , instead of real issues that matter like this . WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE POLICING THIS FIASCO .??


              and 2 or 3 years from now they will have us signing a declaration saying our grain is free of that weed


                Case - most likely by December


                  Just talked to a fellow yesterday that said he had a few in his 5440 feild . He said he picked them and burnt them. Said the stalk was thick as hell . Not good.


                    Next spring I should keep a representative sample of the canola seed I plant, like a quarter cup out of each bag, mix it well then plant a thousand seeds from that sample and see what I get. Only has to get to the cotyledon stage to identify it if its canola. If it isn't might have to let it go longer to determine what it is. Could be some interesting results. By the way we NEVER had cleavers years ago. In high school agriculture class we were given a list of weeds to find and that was the only one we couldn't find. It has only been recently they've become a real problem. I do believe they showed up with canola seed. But there all so blue and pretty1


                      Did the government get rid of all the seed inspectors, too? Seed specs should be tightened up, right Tom?


                        Oh I thought this was going to be about Donald Trumpit.


                          Most Bayer canola seed is produced in S AB where cleavers are unheard of. I am combining some of this seed today. The seed tag should give where is was produced. The first 2 numbers of the crop certificate are the year and the second 2 are the province of production with 80 denoting Alberta and 70 Saskatchewan.


                            2 to 5% cleavers? That came from the horses mouth? Give me a break. That one came from the other end of the horse. Thats just preposterous.
                            There's no way. FYI you are allowed 0% cleavers in canola. None !


                              We grow canola for seed. Cleavers are the biggest risk to a grower in a seed production field. There is zero tolerance to cleavers. If you have them, your field goes for commercial crush. If it's a small area, rouging is an option. 2-5% is bs


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