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Stats Can bugging anyone?

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    Just a little insight that I picked up,don't know if the source was reliable or not. I was told that you ever really took the time and answered the survey honestly to the best of your ability without fudging the figures, you would be on their list forever. You know what that makes sense, because for the first twenty years I was farming i patiently did all their surveys and have had a heck of a time getting them off my case now.


      Stats can I will answer (though not necessarily with the most accurate info) but it's the other guys that annoy me. There's nothing in law that says you have to talk to private survey companies so we don't. Mostly I just let it ring (wonders of call display) and they never leave a message (Stats can usually does and then you can call back when it's convenient to you).

      Even with Stats Can, I try to only answer during the day (weekdays only). If I see their name on call display in the evening or the weekend, I'll let it go to the machine. Do they call other businesses at their home number at 10 pm? Not likely, so if they want info on my business, they can call during business hours.

      I had Stats Can calling on a smoking survey once on a Sunday afternoon and they couldn't figure out why I wouldn't do the survey then (my mistake in answering the call in the first place). They kept saying it's mandatory to answer and I kept saying "not on Sunday, call me back during the week". Apparently for some surveys, the group doing them only works evenings and weekends. IIRC, they sent me the survey in the mail eventually and I did complete it.


        Stats can I will answer (though not necessarily with the most accurate info) but it's the other guys that annoy me. There's nothing in law that says you have to talk to private survey companies so we don't. Mostly I just let it ring (wonders of call display) and they never leave a message (Stats can usually does and then you can call back when it's convenient to you).

        Even with Stats Can, I try to only answer during the day (weekdays only). If I see their name on call display in the evening or the weekend, I'll let it go to the machine. Do they call other businesses at their home number at 10 pm? Not likely, so if they want info on my business, they can call during business hours.

        I had Stats Can calling on a smoking survey once on a Sunday afternoon and they couldn't figure out why I wouldn't do the survey then (my mistake in answering the call in the first place). They kept saying it's mandatory to answer and I kept saying "not on Sunday, call me back during the week". Apparently for some surveys, the group doing them only works evenings and weekends. IIRC, they sent me the survey in the mail eventually and I did complete it.


          All the Minister of the Canadian Wheat Baord has to do is to instruct the CWB to issue export licenses to Prairie applicants.

          If the CWB does not comply, they are disobeying a ministerial order and are subject to dismissal. Wouldn't be a bad thing to clear out a few out of the Licensing Department if they can't take an order from thsir boss.

          AND the bureaucrats in Ottawa who did not pursue this avenue, and recommennd it to the Minister, should be dismissed, as well. They are not worth their weight in salt.We can have export licenses overnight.



            Do you think that the minister has the will or the people to oversee the permit process and make sure that the permits are issued quickly with a minimum amount of bureaucratic red tape and requiring the least amount of information? I can see a resistent bureaucracy trying to undermine the process.


              When a ministerial order is given, if you don't obey, it is grounds for dismissal.
              Might need one or two canned on the spot, considering how brazen some of the CWB have become, but the fired employees will get the hang of it fairly quickly.

              Obey or pack.



                Kinda like Measerly did!Still whining from the sidelines(CTV).


                  He's in the "Friends of the Board" pack.

                  What has he been whining about on CTV? I"ll try and look it up tonight. Am trying to catch up on some Agri-ville reading too!




                    I COuldn't believe how incoherent that Measner was...

                    All about the democratic choice of grain growers?

                    Measner should have a long hard look in the mirror... and give his head a shake.

                    Barley growers voted... just as they have for 10 years in CWB opinion poles... to request the CWB change the way it markets barley to a multi- marketing optional system.

                    Measner and every single minded person at the CWB know this fact.

                    Do they respect our requests?



                    Because we are too stupid to know what is best for our families and farms?

                    Reminds me of ole Bob R. and his article saying the CWB and Feds are grain farmers "Big Daddy"

                    SICK... and they he went on to say he was afraid of being blown up by his mail when he opened it!

                    I wonder why?


                      He needn't worry about choice farmers. Choice farmers believe in choice, not force. Not violence. Not jail. Not fines.

                      Choice farmers believe in co-operation, and teamwork and picking partners, and working together.

                      Wheat Board mentality advocates force, so poor old Roehle could only fear what he believes in, and advocates and enforces.

                      He cannot envisiona world where choice is the way of life.




                        I agree, well put.

                        That Roehle is still around after he said so many insulting and dumb things is a testimony that proves you are RIGHT.

                        Respecting and loving our neighbour/humankind requires people who are, Caring, Honourable, Humble and Patient.

                        Thanks Parsley for being all of the above... and to ALL you folks that put these principals ahead of personal short term gain...

                        People who believe in the principle that if we take on a project... it is worth doing well... we will finish what we started.... NO Matter who tries to trip us up as long as we draw breath!

                        These are the principals that built our strong and fair Canada!


                          The barley pleb was PHONEY from the get go. A flawed process, that was flouted to be the best thing that ever happened to Western Canadian Farmers. Thank goodness for due process. Yapping and BS does not a market make. Current grain prices have nothing whatsoever to do with Angriville opinions and strategy. These are facts that you duds can put in your pipe to smoke! Careful now don't get to high, and forward sell all your crop, ha, ha, ha!!!


                            Don't co-operate with anyone, in the Ag industry. That is the best way to win respect and credibility. Look at this site for instance, everyone, hates everyone, and it is the greatest ag site ever! Free speech, something to be treasured and protected. Who cares if it is all bull, bull makes the world go round, and an interesting place to boot! * Wow, what a profound thought*


                              "Don't co-operate with anyone, in the Ag industry. That is the best way to win respect and credibility. Look at this site for instance, everyone, hates everyone"

                              I assume from your posts that you are a frustrated and confused individual. I may have that wrong.
                              I am also frustrated with the lack of cooperation in some segments of our industry. Specifically the CWB's lack of cooperation in being held accountable for their actions. Also the Federal government has not performed well to date for farmers.

                              I believe I have been patient with them and have worked with them where I can. I have now chosen to go on s trike if you will. I don't need to cry about it just make choices that I can.

                              and I don't hate you or anyone else on this site so your statement "everyone hates everyone" is just plain wrong.

                              You can choose to hire a few consultant types to spin that into something else but the fact remains that not everyone hates everyone .

                              Thanks for posting Burbert


                                Nothing wrong with the barley plebiscite. The only other way would be with a 2 question vote, with 75% majority required in favor of cwb. At least that's the way it's done in Quebec to establish a compulsory marketing board.


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