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Stats Can bugging anyone?

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    Stats Can bugging anyone?

    At least 3 calls a day again this year.

    Any tips to have them stop this harassment?

    I thought about calling my lawyer and laying charges. It is ridiculous again.

    Haven't had a call from them since June. They were calling a lot in the spring. I would just say I'm not interested. Some of them would say things about the survey being mandated. I wouldn't argue with them I would say that's fine I'm not interested.


      They told me it was mandatory also. I usually end up hanging up. There is no good time to call me back.


        Same situation at my Dad's house. 3 times a day and no matter how polite or how rude we are to them they still keep calling. Our next move is to say we don't farm anymore, all the land has been rented out and we are moving to Costa Rica. I must agree the constant calling is basically harassment and drives my folks crazy.


          Another loud and clear message was that the Friends of the Board have absolutely no care about the economic welfare of their fellow farmers. The ONLY thing the FnFriends of the Board care about is their political ideology.

          Never mind that philosophy has put everyone's wheat books in the red, they just want more of the same.

          Farmers who sat on the fence are now gdm infuriated.

          I will do everything I can to encourage this Government to have a quick wheat vote. Choice wheat farmers clearly deserve their agenda put on the table.

          Sympathy for Board lovers has nearly disappeared and I predict a vote will reflect that sentiment.



            There is a consistent and loud and clear message coming from both the Federal Government and choice supporters in the farm community.

            They are speaking the same language.

            And they have re-confirmed their committment....TOGETHER.

            Davis Anderson came out to the Barley Freedom Fighter Day, and he did not mumble or hedge or blink. He knows what he was elected on, he knows what he stands for, and he stood strong. That is who and what choice supporters have backing them.

            Anderson is NOT a Roddy Flaman.

            Thank Gawd.



              "Just a minute, I'll get my crop book."

              Don't hang up, but put reciever on desk.

              Go combine.



                BTW, the information that yoou supply them for free has been sold, by Government, to outside interests, and past Governments have put the cash into Government accounts.



                  Would sure be interesting to see how much barley those "friends" have actually grown for the cwb over the past years.

                  The southern AB guy doesn't live in what I would consider a large barley growing area. (I may be wrong)


                    i got the same bs calls.....i asked the lady if she could tell me how much money she has in her bank acct, she of course would not...i said whst is the difference when my grain is my money, poor lady though has nothing to do with this and is just doing her job, needless to say i told them only enough to get them off the line, they must know this data is flawed, and if they do not they are much bigger fools than I think they are!


                      Will leave whether you cooperate alone. Will note that this information is generated from a lot of other sources and is normally not available to the public. I did this in a previous life. If you take this strategy, my advice is to make sure you don't talk to the grain industry, chemical companies or anyone else.

                      There are flaws in the current system but the information is survey based and readily available to everyone. It provides a base for a point in time with everyone who uses it understanding that this changes.

                      In a previous (grain company), buyers would be on my case for crop updates about every two days. These customers demanded top quality information and the business went as much to the company that could supply it as low price (everyone had to be competitive). People like me in an old life found ways of supplying it. None of this information is likely provided farmers (even the CWB likely provides more information to customers than they do farmers).

                      Off topic. Quality market information is a market need (highlighted every CWB press release). The question is where the market gets this information from.


                        What offends me is the expectation that I will give information for free. I'm sick of it.

                        To often in our industry others are paid first. Offer me $$$ for my time and information and I may share. Don't and you can buzz off.


                          How many thousand farmers are there in this country? Can they not find someone other than me to help them?

                          Why are they treating us like our information is the only one they need?

                          If I don't answer their calls, why do they need to phone back 2 hours later? Then 2 hours after that? The other night they called at 10:04 pm. This is going on 3 weeks now. Do they think it is funny to bug us into insanity just to get some stupid numbers?

                          They must really love their job or else they are on commission when a survey is completed?


                            I forgot, they have called twice so far today. No message, just hang ups.

                            If I'm not mistaken, it is saturday of a long weekend for most people right?

                            That is what makes me wonder if they are getting paid somehow for squeezing the numbers from us.


                              Parsley, whether or not this country is being "run" not governed by corruption, it is very sad that the minority can dictate policy that continues to destroy the farmers in the West. When I was young my mentors predicted that there will be a revolution before we have freedom. By the way, many farmers hauled wheat and barley across the border as seed for many years in the 60's and early 70's. It was legal.

                              As I was raised a farmer and can't help but live and breath farming, I witnessed the destruction,moral degredation and even imprisonment of progressive farmers, with total disbelief. I fully expected that our forefathers would be proven wrong nad change would be forced. I would tell them,"times have changed and constitutional individual rights would force the enforcers to see that they are wrong. Courts would surely intervene for us- but No. " How can this atrocity be ongoing in 2007? One "human" denying "us" the right to be treated the same as farmers in Ontario, Quebec, most of B.C. and The Maritimes- knowing full well what it is doing to farmers? At Portage on Aug 1, 2007, I looked at the disappointed faces of honest, hard-working farmers and asked myself, "What can I do to help?" I can cancel my permit book, grow non-board grains, I can refuse to deliver even 1 bushel to the board,I can support free market groups and political parties that agree with farmers, write letters to my M.P. and I can tell everyone I know, that farmers need a chance at freedom. They voted and even the CWB knows this is true.

                              Until then, there are areas ( that even the judges can't touch) available to the minister. He can ven the playing field and allow Western Farmers the same no-cost buy-back that other farmers enjoy. The implementation of new regulations will diminish the effect of the court ruling until we can appeal. Until we hear more news, Good Luck with harvest everyone and Take Care!


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