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Let My People Go

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    Let My People Go

    From the time of Moses, there was always someone that took away the freedom of others. I am alluding to Pharaoh and the enslaved people in Egypt. Yes, I know that Pharaoh was the government of the day and probably a Liberal. There were always wars where someone wanted to control the lives of others. This is a dark side of human nature. We also know from history that these oppressors always, always, came crashing down in defeat. More recently, that is in some of our lifetime, we had Russia's Iron Curtain and the Berlin Wall come crashing down. We still have Communist China and others that are taking the freedom of it's people away today. Before that was Nazi Germany who would not admit that the Russians and the Allies were at the doorstep of Hitler's bunker and the end was here. Today, in our country, we too, have an oppressor an oppressor of law abiding, hardworking, young educated grain producers. To our advantage, we finally have a sympathetic government whose leader knows what is right from wrong and knows that our God hates oppression by others. We are saying "let us go" and give us the freedom to sell our product to whomever we choose as do the rest of our county cousins in Eastern Canada.
    We are at the doostep of CWB bunker in Winniped as we speak. The CWB and friends are going down one way or the other. They are desperately trying to hold on to power, which is slipping away, because us underdogs, have access to world information since this is the Information Age that we live in. I cannot understand why I and other pro-choice farmers are such a threat to the CWB and supporters. I only have this lowly slow computer(and on dial up yet), some newspapers, TV news, a tiny bit of experience in local and provincial politics,and no monopoly on brains and wisdom which comes from above.
    We, in the designated area of Canada are tired of feeding freeloaders that think that we are stupid and need their protection from those terrible grain companies and that it is in our best interest for them to sell our grain. I and the rest of the farming community are all for feeding the hungry and helping those that cannot help themselves. I am talking about the Grain Food Bank for example. Let us not loose heart for we all have tremendous resovle and if we perservere, we WILL escape from Egypt.
    As our Prime Minister would say "God Bless Canada".


    Did you see this tear jerker?

    CWB Job:
    "Mill Auditor, Corporate Audit Services
    Competition Number 07-36P

    Duties and Responsibilities

    Reporting to the Director, Corporate Audit Services, the incumbent will:

    Represent the CWB and act as liaison between the flour mills and CWB.
    Develop effective public relations with flour mill officials and grain industry members by providing information and advice regarding the CWB Act, Regulations and Board policies concerning the purchase and transportation of wheat and wheat products.
    Provide information in the development of sales/contract/selling arrangement issues, interpretation of Instructions to the Trade, Notice to Mills and flour mills information to assist in the formulation of new sales/transportation programs.
    Ensure that the proper information and reports are maintained for audit trails on the purchase and sale of grain and/or grain products.
    Ensure that the various flour mills comply with the CWB Act, Regulations and Board policies concerning the purchase and transportation of wheat and wheat products.
    Audit special sales arrangements/programs established between the CWB and flour mills and verify the results of transactions.
    Establish and maintain an “Audit Presence” to promote compliance and perform other duties as assigned."

    Perhaps the CWB could hire former AWB executives to fill in these gaps for them!

    Oh DEAR...


      Orest-your people DONT WANT to go!

      We have to go without them.

      Burn your cwb slave-book.

      farm for profit.

      Buy the dorks out.

      They actually believe in the Pharoah/cwb.

      They will have 7 lean years and you and I,who are enlightened,will have 7 fat ones

      The cwb zombies will perish.

      That is justice.Do not mourn them.


        You guys crack me up!


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