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CWB now part of Liberal Party,Its official.

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    CWB now part of Liberal Party,Its official.

    Yes its now official.The cwb has now become a wing of the Liberal Party of Canada.
    They raise money for them.
    They organize photo ops with Diong.
    Half the people that work there (or have"contracts" are big time Lib organizers.
    They advertise during elections.
    Pretty obvious Measner is running for em next time.
    MOST importantly;the monopoly is only possible because the MPS from Mississauga and Outremont etc like it.And PEI.Wheras those of us in the ghetto are represented by Tories who think we should be treated like actual grownup Canadians too.
    Witout the Libs they're toast.So they've joined THE Toronto based PARTY.

    Where will Measner run?


      Where will Measner run?


        Measner will run in a 100% urban riding OF COURSE.This cwb thing is a cause celebre for the Wpg crowd.He would get his arse slapped anywhere where the slave farmers live.


          I think Measner should run in Cypress Hills-Grasslands riding . The one David Anderson reigns over.

          The voters here are a little STRANGE when it comes to voting.

          They vote CWB pro directors in by landlides. They then turn around and vote Mr. Anderson in by a landslide.Go figure.


            I also live in Mr Anderson's constituency. What percentage of voters vote in a general election and what percentage of premit book holders vote in the CWB elections????


              Cypress-Hills Grassland would vote in Mr. Anderson's dog if it ran Conservative.


                winwin: when the next election is held, i'm going to repost these comments, and expect an apology at that time.


                  In the same way that you 'expect' to get a premium for board grains?


                    CWB used to have cross party support. In fact their monopoly was made permanent by a UNANIMOUS commons vote.

                    Now they have made an enemy of the only party that really stands up for the west while positioning themselves withan urban based party and a marginal socialist ideology.

                    As for cwb elections,why would westerners,who hate big uniouns,even vote in a union vote,let alone attempt to become a union boss by running.CWB elections are,as they should be when we are no longer forced to associate, for cwb lovers.Not reoresentative of prairie sentimemt.


                      Cypress-Hills Grasslands where I reside most likely voted Larry Hill into office in the last director election because he has been high profile as apposed to a virtual unknown running against him in Con Johnson. However when it comes down to the federal election David Anderson has overwhelming proven support from every corner of the riding to move forward with marketing choice. Larry Hill is in my opinion one man who could make the CWB a strong and viable option in a marketing choice environment.


                        So far, I have seen him as a committed single desk enforcer, with force as his stick to keep the single desk.

                        When did he change?



                          He had a revelation when traveling with Jack, near the Imhoff Art Gallery.

                          The end result cleared his mind.


                            Oh, that's how that works.



                              The Paul Harvey rest of the story is that there are little Butchie Harder clones swimming around in a ditch near St. Walburg still looking for a left leaning home.

                              Rumour has it that the WCWGA had the monopoly on LNĀ² tanks and wouldn't share.



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