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CWB Confirms Farmers Will Lose Millions on Barley

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    Big bad CWB cannot control those big bad grain companies.


      To agstar etc price levels are not important.Equity and order are what matters.
      You have to have power and control to achieve these higher goals.And he should be the one exercising all that power over his neighbors.
      'you cant make an omelet without breaking eggs'is his(and Mussolinni's) philsophy.
      You farmers are simply the eggs in his master recipe.
      Shut up about prices.Your not worthy.


        Agstar I am wondering what your kind of cryptic comments about the wheat growers above were about.

        I thought some here might be interested in the following item.




          I am asking you to explain why "designated area" grain growers should provide subsidies of cheap feed grains... for supply managed farmers and livestock producers. Can you explain this logic?

          The CWB managers have a 101 ways, IF THEY WERE REQUIRED to MAXIMISE "Designated area" wheat and barley growers returns... to acheive this objective.

          1. Provide a daily cash price bid system that establishes a feed base price that pulls up the domestic feed markets.

          2. Establish a bid system that reduces grain handling costs through competition... and direct these premiums to the growers who negotiate the added value instead of the CWB pool accounts. This would automatically drive costs on CWB handled grain... out of our grain handling system... and increase prices to the farm gate within the "Designated Area".

          It is hard to believe CWB managers so foolish they don't understand these simple principals... so please explain the logic here Tower! Why do they consistantly push domestic "Designated Area" grain prices lower... and minimising our "farm gate" pricing whenever the opportunity presents itself?

          It is like our CWB Managers are proud of these jaw dropping teeth shattering policies that destroy our farm gate returns!


            tom4cwb I'll give it a try if you like but it would be a good idea to get a second opinion.

            If the board does conciously or subconciously enforce grain farm subsidization of the feed industry I'd have to assume that there would be two main causes of it

            ; the first is that we as grain farmers elect cattlemen to represent us on the board and can't see the bias put into the system in that way.

            ; the second would be that sucessive federal conservative and liberal governments have been enamored of the dollars put into the economy through having a large cattle and hog and poultry industry, and so have instructed the board through their appointees to give support to that sector. I don't doubt that the respective feeder associations have succeeded in putting ample lobby pressure on the governments to do this.

            At the same time grain growers are divided against each other because we are all fed up with the low prices. As well we will go out and get higher yielding varieties, throw the fertilizer and chemicals to the field in an effort to out produce, well, ourselves basically. I think we should let governments and agribusiness multinationals know that we understand that it's societies bias against the primary producer more than anything else that's hurting the grain growers.


              " I think we should let governments and agribusiness multinationals know that we understand that it's societies bias against the primary producer more than anything else that's hurting the grain growers. "


              All surveys show that consumers...Canadians...citizens....allbloody well TRUST farmers more than they do politicians and lawyers etc.

              So why would farmers go to the Government to tell them what is simply not true?



                I don't have any problem with going to consumers, Canadians, citizens, the point is that lobbying is more effective if it goes to the decision makers who happen to be whatever bunch of politicians in there at the time.

                So then you don't think that there is an economic bias against grain farmers? or other primary producers? well admittedly it may be just a habit arising from centuries of using nature to further the agendas of people in power and people who want power, but then over thyme that does create a bias against primary producers.

                So there you go, it true after all.



                  I admit to appreciating subtlety over thyme, but then I always have.

                  Unfortunately for your reasonabiladicotomy(only you will understand that wordster), your theorizing about:

                  "the nature to further the agendas of people in power and people who want power,...... does create a bias against primary producers."

                  can be, tower, extrapolated to the CWB as well.

                  You've turned the lightbulb on! All of a sudden, it can be said that you subscribe to the theory that the CWB like the power they have and want to keep it; look what it does to producers!

                  ahhh, tower, does this mean you have mustered a new vision in your centrally-planned un-universe? Is this Orchard revisionism?




                    Could we get a little closer to the "truth" you banter about?

                    Could we at least call you....







                      Man you are w****d up in your own little world. Be very careful not to actually try to understand anything you read. It might undermine your position.


                        What one couldessentially conclude in one sentence, from your reasoning, is this:

                        The CWB loves and wants to keep it's power even if it is not in the interest of farmers.

                        I understood.

                        Did you?



                          My gawd, another episode of "tower" versus the "shrew".

                          Not particularly entertaining either.



                            Go to File

                            in upper left hand corner

                            and click


                            Easy when you've tried it once.



                              Sorry, NO exit...although "close" is available. I'll try that.

                              Well...what do you know???it works.

                              Thanks for the tip parsley...what would we do without you?


                                I'd sure prefer if you had an Exit.



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