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CWB Excuses

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    CWB Excuses

    Next time you hear a market report( pro or otherwise) note how they start by giving reasons why the price isn't as good as it might be. If they comment on something positive about the market it is usually followed by two negatives. The latest is a high canadian dollar and high ocean freight. This at the same time as the private trade was able to offer $4.00 for export feed barley business. The reality is that although the negatives have some impact often they are only a cover for the true reality of the situation. Everytime the board makes the wrong marketing decision there is a need to find an excuse for the poor returns other than poor marketing.The marketing performance in the last 2 years should only heighten concern among producers as to why the board is not doing a better job. For One I'm just tired of all the excuses . They don't pay my bills.

    Sad State, isn't it Craig


      The studies done by the U of S, funded by your pooling accounts, Have never studied the bottom line for FARMERS.

      They have always emphasized/studied/expounded upon what the CWB itself recieves, not with what farmers end up taking to the bank after funding universities, and such.



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