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CWB survey

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    CWB survey

    Just got a call for a grain marketing survey. Asked who it was for, she said questions regarding PPO's, I said paid for by the CWB, Yes.
    "Kiss my ass, I have wasted enough time with the CWB over the years, they dont want my input so dont call me back"
    I am so &^%*ing tired of the CWB bullshit. Told her dont take it personal but pass the message on to her boss.

    Screw the CWB

    Only the CWB could be confused by your message!



      Got the same call today but I did the survey. They wanted to know how happy I was with the PPO's.

      Told them the basis was terrible and I wanted the private trade to compete directly with the CWB for my grain.

      I'm sure that will confuse them as well.


        Parsley I agree, the CWB would interpret "kiss my ass" as a sign of affection and issue a news release claiming farmer acceptance of the cwb is improving.


          Hey Ron, think they'll post your response on their "beautiful, informative" website? I'd like to see it in lights.


            It will be much easier this year to recoup costs on a lousy canola crop than an above average wheat crop. There is no question about it.

            The 70 cents to a buck a bushel difference we see in wheat prices across the border would make a big difference in that.

            But folks like agstar and cotton of course don't like it when you point this out.


              Since the barley fiasco I am no longer open minded about anybody elses right to market through the board.
              If it is CWB or nothing I go with nothing. Screw the dual market option.

              Screw the CWB


                I loved how vague the opening question was.

                Something along the lines of do you have positive or negative feelings towards agriculture right now?

                Lot's of things I'm positive about the wheat board ain't one of them didn't seem to fit the category. Go figure.



                  Clearly the CWB has cost us that $50/t AGAIN, and it is truly a cost as total market revenues from "single desk" crops are close to this much short of covering costs.

                  WE NEED A CWB OFFSET PROGRAM, it needs to pay $50/ac on cultivated acres.

                  IF the BQ, Liberals, and NDP want to cough up this kind of cash... then perhaps they would be explaing the true cost of regulated marketing to the taxpayers of Canada through the "single desk" of the "Designated Area". Anyone proud of this CWB effect has a warped sense of pride/humour!


                    I also refused to do the survey. CWB has proven track record of ignoring the results if it doesn't fit there viewpoint or secondly interpreting the data to give a positive spin for the board. My only question is will the survey people be entitled to an extra $1000. to handle the stress of dealing with irate Producers.


                      Did my cross border price check today it looks like I was out a bit.

                      The yanks are 75 cents to 1.06 a bushel ahead of us in getting to their break evens.

                      http://bottineaufarmers.com/index.cfm?show=11&mid=6&theLocation=1&cmid=1&layou t=1


                        Boards offering $5.31 per bushel for hard red spring. In North Dakota it works out to $6.05 Canadian for off the combine or $6.37 Canadian for December delivery.

                        I think agstar is going to need more than $10 canola if he wants to recoup his loses in wheat.


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