They haven't updated the website yet but the futures first basis contract started Sept. 1 last year (as indicated by Lee). Clipped from the CWB site.
Wheat Basis Payment Contract – Start date - December 2007 futures only September 1, 2006 End date - CT November 1, 2007.
You are correct on your analysis of the spread/risk. One way of looking after margin risk but could backfire if 2007/08 wheat prices take off/everyone plants fence post to fence post wheat in 2008.
FPC stuff on CWB website at:
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Wheat Basis Payment Contract – Start date - December 2007 futures only September 1, 2006 End date - CT November 1, 2007.
You are correct on your analysis of the spread/risk. One way of looking after margin risk but could backfire if 2007/08 wheat prices take off/everyone plants fence post to fence post wheat in 2008.
FPC stuff on CWB website at:
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