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"Pro Bono" obligation of the CWB to the domestic grain consumer!

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    Tom4CWB, you said: "CWB Director James Chatenay was a great cattle business person, he and his family have given up much to try to correct this injustice".

    What a joke, no successful business person would give up a successful business because he needs to attend a dozen CWB board meetings per year.

    He probably is making more money now as a do-nothing CWB director than he ever did TRYING to rasie cattle.

    Using the the Access To Information Act, we need to find out what he has accomplished in his tenure.

    Also, why is it that a small cattle farmer with 160 acres of crop land can be a CWB director anyways?

    Oh well it cant be worst than Bruce Johnson, a director who probably spent more time picking out new designer eye-glass frames and smoking stogies than participating in former SWP board meetings in the 1990's.


      Well at least he doesn't fall asleep at the meetings like old 'Butch' Harder did.


        I like Jim, he went to jail over the right to sell his own grain. That takes moxy. Lots of it.

        First night in he wound up in solitary confinement sleeping on a concrete floor with no supper because he cracked a joke at the wrong time.

        Jim probably deserves to be around that board table more than anyone else that's there.


          In 2004 no single desker had the courage to even challenge Chatney in District 2.

          He won by acclamation!


            It's easy to see why B.H. has to sink down too a drive-by smear. That's all he's got to go with.



              In case you have forgotten, taking something without permission, against the will of the owner... is theft.

              I never claimed to be a "Super Marketer"... I take the challenge of risk management seriously... I do try to help those who ask for assistance.

              Perhaps you don't consider theft a serious matter Burbert, which leads straight to the point...

              If folks like you and the CWB don't respect other's property... why would any other Corporation? You and Benny complain bitterly about Multi-national grain co's... when you yourselves are less respectful of other folks property than they are!


                Whether the government says its legal or not doesn't make a difference. It's still theft when you take something that isn't yours.



                  Unfortunately, Burbert and Benny Hin have lost their moral standards... or they are just being trolls to get a laugh.

                  Kind of reminds me of how they are running the CWB.


                  "The Lord gives... and the Lord can take away... blessed be the name of the Lord!"

                  I have much to learn... if poverty is part of the training I must endure... then it will be so.

                  I try to do all things with passion, a clear councious, do them the best I can, be honourable, treat others with integrety, and stand behind what I say... as my word is to be my bond.

                  Benny Hin you attack on Jim C. shows just how little integrety you have... you knew before you posted that attack... it was meant to deceive others and hurt Jim and his family/friends. May what you sow return to you 100 times multiplied.


                    fransico, Whether the government says its legal or not doesne't matter?????? What planet are you living on. That is a silly statement even from an Angriviller. Wow you guys are becoming more and more unhinged as time passes. I bet the next thing that you will refer to, is the dramatic railway competition in Comedia, and what good friends that rail companies angrivillers in general..ie their probono obligation to Comedian farmers eh!


                      A single desker sinking to smears and deception. I'm shocked, shocked I say.


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