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    See the problem is I have shown the loss of income to myself time and time again on this forum. You have not. The rift has a lot more to do with that and the fact that farmers with a difference of opinion on how to market their crop wind up in jail.

    I have no problem working together with other farmers, business or even with those big bad multi-nationals as long as I can do it on a voluntary basis.

    I can't do that with you agstar, I can't do that with the board. And I am not alone in this, in fact the plebiscite and the wheat board surveys say the majority of farmers agree with me.

    It is up to you and the board supporters to make it work not me. You don't need me, you don't need my grain. The only way the board will end is if it can't compete. And if it can't compete well then it doesn't deserve to be here then does it?


      Hey willy maybe you should study logical fallacies for about 10 minutes if you don't want to look like an amateur on this forum.

      <blockquote>(1) ad hominem (abusive): instead of attacking an assertion, the argument attacks the person who made the assertion.

      (2) ad hominem (circumstantial): instead of attacking an assertion the author points to the relationship between the person making the assertion and the person's circumstances.</blockquote>



        Are you now ashamed of being... esteemed CWB Ian McDreary Director of District 6?

        Are you going to tell us that Ian voted against ending the market choice barley market the CWB Minister attempted to put in place August 1 2007?

        Are you going to tell us you voted against giving the organic folks an exemption from the pool account buy backs... AND allow them the CWB Organic export license system that costs a fraction of the cost a commercial grower from the "Designated Area" must pay?

        Are you not the CWB Director Ian that hurt me & my neighbours by stealing our barley port logistics in Oct 07... for the benefit of the CWB... at our cost... without compensation offered or even a consideration?

        Are you not the CWB Director Ian that could have voted to free barley and organic grains many years ago... and continue to support the theft of $$$ from "Designated Area" grain growers to this very moment.... and is being well paid for this tookage off every CWB cheque I am forced to cash that by the way most of the time is a dollar short and a day late?

        Tell me one more time this is slander to remind you of all these transgressions... You just make me want to get a violin out and play you a special song!

        What song should we play Franny... a funeral procession special?

        You made the bed you now lay in AGSTAR77 ENJOY. Inflation... here it comes... cause the CWB is on it's last legs

        When Ian (Agstar77) denys he is a CWB Director and claims he is an ordinary farmer instead of being GOD!



          If you are not Ian, have you not fought, supported, deceived, and scheemed with Ian to do all of the above things?

          Wouldn't that make you complicit and guilty of theft by your lack of action to stop the theft and depreciation of my neighbours assets?

          If you aren't Ian... why did you steal his name?


            Speaking of logical fallacies agstar have you ever heard of this one?

            <blockquote>The Straw Man argument
            Definition: The author attacks an argument which is different from, and usually weaker than, the opposition's best argument.</blockquote>

            I argue for a voluntary wheat board and you insert the straw man argument that I argue for its destruction.

            Tut,tut, bad form there agstar old chap.


              T4 ,you must be growing something other than HEAR. That niche market crop that"s popular out in B.C. L.O.L.



                You are right... I admit it... we are growers of NEXERA this year! We still have over 10,000bu of HEAR on hand; Radiant... Superb, Snowbird white wheat, Snowbird fababeans... Foremost and Ponoka... although Ponoka is headed for the shortened free export market delayed by 3 months!

                Sorry... to disappoint... no wild wood weed on our farm that I planted!

                DO you know something I don't???... did you have a buddy of yours plant some while we weren't watching???

                DeNile isn't just a river in Egypt... its alive and well at the CWB!


                  Or maybe you just tried your own recipe for ethanol T4? For whatever reason your posts are totally wrong!



                    If you don't support the CWB "single desk", and agree to a grain growers need to market their own barley or wheat... if they choose this option and are skilled in marketing

                    If you believe in private property ownership & rights in a free and democratic society, the right of freedom to associate with those with a free will and choice,

                    Then I appologize. CWB Director Ian McDreary has much to answer for... he has been a ring leader that has destroyed far too many grain growers in western Canada... He needs to answer for his actions. Assumptions can be dangerous... just like assuming the CWB & Ian have your best interests as a grain grower in mind! If you are not Ian... SORRY.



                      What part of the "Designated Area" do you produce grain from... and how much (acres shipped off farm to elevators) grain do you produce each year?

                      What is your % Board production vs Non-board?

                      How many years do you expect to continue grain farming?

                      It would be interesting to know what perspective your thoughts come from!


                        How big is your dick,tom?



                          Has served me well... have 5 progeny to prove it... and my wife hasn't left me yet!

                          Real men don't have to measure!


                            Like an old farmer once told me, " son, it's not how deep you plow, it's how long you stay in the field."

                            I didn't have the heart to tell him some of us can do both.


                              Gee franny I thought maybe you were a "zero tiller"


                                Nope, but since that little trip to the doctor I do an awful lot of summer fallowing.


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