Sorry for the typo's dang site needs spell check or I need to slow down when I type, As far as the comment about Scottish maltsters not switching to Canadian malt, like a maltster in 2002 in Canada they may have no other choice.
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Scottish Malt prices go over 8.00
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further to AS's argument... i think it's a combination of fear, lack of confidence and misplaced trust.
there are many professionals in the industry who can put together price forecasts, decipher trends and develop strategies better than the average individual farmer, who let's face it often has strengths and priorities in other areas of their business that are more important and useful for them to spend time managing. what the cargills and the dreyfus' of the world have is research and training, and skilled people with bonuses on the line who are responsible for analysis and decision-making in the markets their employers deal in every day. there are lots of well-trained market analysts around, heck i might even know a few that work at the board. every big grain company has a few, and none of the small ones are without their intelligence either.
there are even some marketing professionals, ahem, available for hire to individual farms to help them with marketing all of their crops. and they might even do good work for a transparent, reasonable fee. and if you decide one day you dont' need or want their help anymore it's even possible to part ways on good terms.
but i digress. some say malt should be worth $5-6/bu spot to us today, which is clearly the case based on these EU values, but i for one have not yet figured out a way to get that number printed on a cash ticket in western canada.
BLepp you wouldn't have any interest in supplying this expertise for a price would you? But of course you understand that with there computers and the internet access to prices and buyers all over the world the real farmers on this site don't need help.
right on the money, BLepp......Agstar, from this real farmer to get together with your me to hire my own professionals and make my own decisions, have been on non CWB crops for many years and have done well......
"But of course you understand that with there (sic) computers and the internet access to prices and buyers all over the world the real farmers on this site don't need help."
It is not about help.
To borrow the immortal phrase:
"Its about the economy, stupid!"
Why is it the left whacks can't get this simple point?
...but of course you understand that with their unwavering faith in their socialist friends at the cwb, the lemmings who choose to let someone else do their thinking for them don't need help.
Out of interest sake, I talked to someone who was looking at shipping grain to Europe recently. And he figured the cost to get it there was about $2.20 per bushel from thunder bay.
Lets say he was conservative maybe it's more like $2.50. That leaves $5.50 on the table for you to get it to thunder bay, cover your costs and what at the end of the day looks like a much, much better margin than the board guru's leave in your pocket.
Fransisco, Looking at feed barley in the UK at the moment - it's worth around $6.93bu on farm, last year it was only worth $3.37bu. So if it costs you $2.20 bu to ship, any price achieved in western Canada over $1.17 delivered to Thunder Bay last year must have been a great trade. Cherry picking high prices from around the world to justify bashing the CWB is nonsense.
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