I saw this transportation challenge by the grain industry... and couldn't help but see the application and need for changes to the CWB itself.
Is CN heavy handed and being unreasonable? Perhaps. Or are they are more likely trying to get the undivided attention of the Government of Canada and the Grain Industry in one of the most effective ways they know how... with the limited and finite resourses that must be rationed in some manner by CN...
Could it be that all the producer/grain company terminals in the level of service complaint against CN NEED to work together... and co-ordinate shipping to better utilise limited railway resourses?
Obviously both parties in this dispute have real and obvious problems.
Will we ignore these problems... or like POOLING at the CWB distort the economy and bring the wheat/barley grain Industry to a breaking point?
I saw this transportation challenge by the grain industry... and couldn't help but see the application and need for changes to the CWB itself.
Is CN heavy handed and being unreasonable? Perhaps. Or are they are more likely trying to get the undivided attention of the Government of Canada and the Grain Industry in one of the most effective ways they know how... with the limited and finite resourses that must be rationed in some manner by CN...
Could it be that all the producer/grain company terminals in the level of service complaint against CN NEED to work together... and co-ordinate shipping to better utilise limited railway resourses?
Obviously both parties in this dispute have real and obvious problems.
Will we ignore these problems... or like POOLING at the CWB distort the economy and bring the wheat/barley grain Industry to a breaking point?