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Guilty as Charged, CWB is trade distorting...

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    Guilty as Charged, CWB is trade distorting...

    Charlie and Lee;

    Here is another issue for you to ask the CWB about in your meeting later this month.

    Here is the US Wheat Associates Trade Distortion Charge against the CWB/AWB and China from their Sept 6/07 Wheat letter (www.uswheat.org):

    "1. The Wheat Buyer’s Best Friend

    Amid the unsettling news about the global wheat supply, there remains some comforting news: the U.S. wheat industry’s hallmark open market system is the buyer's best friend. In this dynamic wheat trade market, the U.S. remains the only truly reliable milling wheat supplier in the world.

    In the genuinely open market we have in the U.S. today there is always wheat available at some price, both to domestic and international buyers. Supplies can be plentiful or tight, but the system finds a price that rationalizes the supply/demand balance. As the current tight supply situation leads other exporters to pull back from the market, the world's wheat buyers can take comfort in the fact that in the U.S., the store is always open to them.

    U.S. wheat supplies will not be withheld from the world market. The domestic reaction to the 1980 grain embargo against the Soviet Union was “never again” and a federal law was passed ensuring that any sales embargo by the U.S. cannot single out agriculture. Additionally, export taxes are unconstitutional in the U.S.

    Export taxes or other restrictions are now in place in several wheat exporting countries and are being contemplated in others. Australia, Canada and China practice discriminatory monopoly price and export controls. Together, these restrictions distort trade and currently are helping to artificially drive up global wheat prices unnecessarily to the detriment of all importers and consumers. These policies work against the interests of millers and force the rest of the market to restore the supply/demand balance and absorb the price shock. To do that, U.S. wheat is staying open for business around the clock."

    Is this true?

    Charlie and Lee,

    I will lay out my case here against the CWB, in agreement with US Wheat Associates:

    1. The CWB is in fact witholding supply off the world market.
    Because of all these Adjustment/Discount Basis factors stopping arbitage with fair market value... many growers are prevented from reacting to this market.

    "Designated Area" wheat and barley growers/CWB naturally withhold supply until the artifically CWB induced lower farm gate price reaches a higher level.

    2. "Designated Area" wheat and barley growers/CWB naturally withhold supply because the CWB REFUSES to credit us with hedged positive returns IF we are required to liquidate a hedge, yet charge a penalty based on the orignal futures level. Market Distortion. It proves the CWB does not reliably use the futures claimed to hedge the sale.

    3. All PPO hedged futures positions are incorporated into the overall futures position of the CWB pool and not hedged seperately.


    Who in their right mind would STOP producer hedges during normal market trading hours 7:30-2:30 AB time, then allow pricing outside normal business hours when the positions are obviously not being hedged in the futures market?

    The CWB would, cause the hedge is on paper in the CWB pool, not done in the market in a transparent manner. It is ultimately a discretionary decision of the CWB sales team whether a futures position is taken when I sold my wheat this week... and the removal of this position has nothing to do with my actual delivery of the wheat.


    THERE IS NO T R U E MARKET ARBITAGE IN WHEAT AND BARLEY with "Designated Area" grain supplies. The Pooled sales must go to create market arbitage and correct the CWB distortion, further growers MUST be given true market signals of actual pricings.

    As IT STANDS NOW distorted producer sales decisions/market signals... result from CWB pricing management of our "designated area" wheat and barley sales.


      Not so sure what you are talking about tom4cwb. Continuing pace of what amounts to old crop sales is moving along a good pace - see Canadian Grain Commission statistics to week 5.


      My suspision is this pace will carry on to Christmas (supported by the recent CWB whining about feed barley sales during the potential open market period). To highlight, this is just guess work at this point and will have to be supported by the actual results. The one thing that is known is the size of this years wheat pricing pools will be very small (realizing from the CWB own announcements significant amounts of wheat were carried into the 2007/08 from old crop).



        dear Dear DEAR Charlie... We can tell You have tasted Winnipeg waters again!

        You said; "Not so sure what you are talking about"?

        You are VERY Good medicine to get my mind in gear Charlie... I feel a PHD thesis subject in the making!

        Have to go and deliver some of those deffered delivery contact first!

        I am sure others won't likely let me down!

        Think about how the US Wheat Associates concluded the article:

        "These policies work against the interests of millers and force the rest of the market to restore the supply/demand balance and absorb the price shock."

        Now; Charlie and Lee... when we are into teeth shattering low wheat prices... in a couple of years;

        Because the CWB prevented "Designated Area" wheat and barley growers from filling the needs of our grain consumers, which got every square inch of production capacity globally producing wheat and barley...

        What will you guys say?

        Sure good we have all this domestic livestock to eat all this surplus grain no one wants?

        WHAT A MESS!




        EVEN CHEAPER grain stocks IN THE FUTURE on the way.


          tom4cwb, charlie, Here is a fact that you can chew on, think about it now, carefully... EACH and every sale made by the cwb or by a framer is trade distorting, the market changes. Duhhhhhhhhhhhhh!



            Just trying to separate the mechanics of shipping grain and the price/delivery signals provided farmers. In an open market, these latter comes from price and carry versus capacity. In single desk, these decisions are made in Winnipeg with the assumption farmers will contract/deliver when required to meet CWB sales.

            Burbert - Always interesting to hear your comments. One persons trade distortion is another persons market. I guess you prefer to live in the world of one price and no marketing decisions - fair enough.



              I don't understand the mechanics of you answer.

              WHEN I delivered was never the issue, I must follow the CWB rules the same as everyone else on the wheat delivery opportunity in our CWB system today.

              Clearly the issue is; does the CWB transparently trade my wheat through the futures market, as we assume they do, so that buyers of wheat know I just sold to fill demand they asked to be filled.

              Burbert, you again missed the point.

              As Chaffmeister has brought forward many times... does anyone know if the CWB has sold wheat?

              When I contracted and sold my wheat TO the CWB, does anyone else in the world know these stocks are now avalible to the international market now?

              If no buyer knows that these stocks I released ARE for sale, how can my sale to the CWB be transparent?

              AGAIN, more proof the CWB IS distorting trade, and or; it has no real knowledge of what is actually for sale or when through the "A" series Contracting system. The CWB may have a very ruff Idea maybe, but no firm #'s.

              I know private industry does not use futures many times on cash traded grain either, this also does not help our markets be transparent either.

              The CWB encourages bad non-transparent practices, which justifies other private industry participants to do the same.

              Liquidation of futures positions are no different, the CWB justifies others in the private trade to hold profits from valid futures hedge positions without fair liquidation policies.

              Again this distorts the market.

              I could not get out of the hedged futures position I needed to liquidate last winter at a profit, instead I took a huge loss at the end of July.


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