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Prices from the East, Prices from the South

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    Prices from the East, Prices from the South

    Had a couple of interesting emails today showing what others are getting for their wheat.

    From the East,

    <blockquote>Yesterday CWB posted a price for wheat at $6.35 for HRSW which most Canadian farmers thought was amazing, (The price is market value less the CWB basis) perhaps they did not know that in Ontario where a dual market is alive, wheat in Ontario is all around $8.00. (REMEMBER ONTARIO HAS A DUAL MARKET)

    So fellow farmers, without a major increase in the PRO, this makes the dollar we lost on barley look insignificant.

    We now have $2.00 difference in values on wheat, which in an average HRS crop of 35 bushels per acre, would be 70$. Or 11,200$ per quarter or 70,000 dollars for every 1000 acres you farm.

    And the fact is that this price difference may not stop at 2$, as wheat climbs up and up.

    So my feeling if you were a friend of the CWB you should now become a friend of your family and ask Ken Ritter & Co to voluntarily walk away and let us go free. Let freedom reign after almost 70 years, let our people go free.</blockquote>

    From the South via Larry Weber

    <blockquote>Feel the love part IV or from the Weber is making up prices again file: This from a Canadian farmer: Durum hit USD$9.50 a bushel at Plentywood MT. this morning, for Jan delivery, USD$9.25 for immediate delivery. So you don’t have to run for your calculators - That equates to $9.92 Canadian a bushel for January and $9.66 for immediate. Of course the CWB won’t publish what they are selling durum for because it is commercially sensitive information that farmers cannot understand nor appreciate. But the PRO is $8.20 less $1.50 handling and transportation costs for a $6.70 net price to the farmer. Rising input costs aren’t responsible for a 44% reduction in your income. The USDA is posting a durum cash price of $7.95 to $8.60 ($8.30 to $8.98) as of Friday - not as high as the farmer email I received yesterday; however, it is just another example of made up prices to make the CWB look bad and you could probably only sell one load at that price and then it would be - say $6.70. </blockquote>

    And last, but certainly not least in the price department, from Down Under...

    <blockquote>AUS Durum prices: The main grade of durum is now $390 per tonne (FOB GST exclusive). (AWB.COM) That equates to CAD$9.17 per bushel. Those darn Aussies are making up prices now too. </blockquote>

    People complain about cherry picking prices, but come on you can't swing a dead cat in any direction outside of the designated area these days without hitting someone offering higher prices than the CWB.


      So...go sell your wheat where you get the most money. What is your problem? By the time you jump through all of the hoops, you'll be lucky to get anything near the "quoted" prices.

      Cherry picking is so misleading and is meant to denigrate the CWB...IN MOST CASES. I wonder why? Must have a predetermined objective wouldn't you say? Keep stirring up the feces and it might pay off some day...is my guess.

      In the meantime, why not play by the rules as they exist?


        The point is that the "rules" are costing you a lot of money.

        Doesn't that concern you?


          "So...go sell your wheat where you get the most money. What is your problem?"

          I'd dare you to say that in a room full of pissed off farmers who, unlike yourself would like to do exactly that, and who know it wouldn't be to the cwb.

          But really you cwb supporters are just so pathetic, the price of wheat all around the world is what it is, but you guys are in denial about it.

          Some of you are even so delusional as to claim this price rally is merely a sly tactic of the worlds buyers and sellers of wheat to induce designated area farmers into abandoning the cwb.

          Billions are being spent on this ruse just so the cwb will look bad, or oh wait, no, it's not that, it's the cbot, kcbt, mge, in kahoots with all the worlds information distributors are reporting false information into Western Canada in order to trick western candian wheat farmers into thinking the cwb doesn't get the best prices for farmers,

          but your too smart for them arn't you Willy,

          no ones gonna pull the wool over your eyes are they?

          Not one kernal of wheat sells for one penny more than what the cwb gets, not in the whole wide world.

          Oh yeah, cherry picking implies only picking the selected best of something.

          I think phrases like "shooting fish in a barrel" or "slam dunk" more accuratly apply


            The point being willy is the prices we see from all of these places on such a regular basis means that they are not just being 'cherry picked'.

            It is the CWB that makes the CWB look bad. We're just pointing out how bad and how often. With often winding up being all the time.


              And the "hoops" you speak of are the CWB created ones.


                And just how much of their wad would everyone have left to blow at these levels?

                Chaff are you larry weber?


                  With the 'predetermined' agenda being selling my wheat to the highest bidder and getting to decide for myself who that is.

                  How sneaky, underhanded and nefarious of me.


                    Its amazing how these CWB followers are still convinced that they will get the best price for their wheat.
                    I can just see someone like Wilagro closing his eyes, sticking his fingers in his ears and chanting C-W-B, C-W-B, to himself everytime someone points out how the price of wheat is higher everywhere but in Western Canada.



                      1. "Cherry-picking " was a term initially coined by the CWB to denigrate those few farmers who dared to make a public comparison between CWB prices and prices that could be obtained out of the reach of CWB clutches.

                      Don't try to re-write origination, according to the wisdomless voice of Wilago.

                      2.Casually stating, "So...go sell your wheat where you get the most money", indicates you understand the marketing of wheat/barley about as much as the little boy tring to do his multipication homework, but has yet to discover there are times tables.

                      The bottom line is this:

                      DA farmers want, very badly,to sell into markets where we get the most money. The CWB just won't provide the necessary licenses needed for us to do so.




                        No I'm not Larry Weber. Sometimes I think I'd like to be though.....

                        Wanna chat?


                          How presumptuous of you cotton. Do you honestly believe that everyone else in western Canada has already swept their bins clean when it comes to pricing board grains? Give your head a shake.


                            just looked at ont daily price hrsw 7.93
                            cwb fixed price 8.00
                            as far as i understand both need f&e taken off



                              "And just how much of their wad would everyone have left to blow at these levels?"

                              How much of our grain HAS the CWB priced Cotton? Does anyone know?

                              I was told it was to be portioned out at a fixed amount per month, during the pool sales year.

                              I doubt that the CWB is being honest with anyone about what it has done for 07-08 sales. Malt Barley clearly was sold last fall for 07-08 at low prices, how much 07-08 wheat was done then?

                              Must have been a huge portion by the amount of "late" Adjustment Factor we are paying on our PPO Fixed Price Contracts, and the basis discounts we are forced to absorb.

                              The very issues that force the AWB into a corner, are the CWB issues as well.

                              If the CWB were to sell 1/12th of the crop from October 1/07 to October 1/08, how much "late" adjustment factor SHOULD the CWB be charging me?

                              Why does the CWB presume the CWB pool "owns" all the wheat and barley grown; when nothing in the CWB Act gives the grain to the CWB in the first place!

                              Section 32 says the CWB is to market grain offered to it.

                              Instead the CWB managers confiscate our grain before we even grow it.

                              In Plain Simple Language:

                              Where does the CWB get the right to confiscate all wheat and barley and sell it through the CWB pool; where is this stated in the CWB Act as ammended in 1998?


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