Dear Willy,
The whole attitude of the CWB on export licenses today is to "STOP" the movement of grain outside CWB "Agents"... of course these are mostly multi-nationals if you had not noticed!
1. The CWB forces Ordinary "designated area" growers to do Producer Direct Sales through a CWB Agent. This costs big money, often up to $10/t... and simply to line the pockets of the agent. A simple barrier that often in itself stops the sale.
a) What about allowing everyone the opportunity the CWB gives Organic Growers, at least at an export license administered by the CWB at a minimal cost?
b) Better YET; How about a no-cost export license like "Designated Area" seed growers or manufactured feed exporters are given?
c) And on this very subject, how about the CWB returning the value raised from charging for export licenses to the Receiver General of Canada... like the CWB Act requires of them... instead of dumping it into the pool accounts like they do now?
2) On Cherry Picking; Isn't that the whole point of the "Single Desk" the CWB runs? You claim it isn't worth it, because the hoops we must jump through end up costing as much as the premium offered in the first place; I agree.
However willy:
a) what is true, about "Cherry Picking" as you just pointed out, the CWB encounters this fact of life just like anyone else doing business... except that the CWB has no tangible interest except to get some other hired gun to do its business... AT COST PLUS!
So I must pay these charges.
b) THis is "Orderly Marketing" Stop me and my farm from extracting value the CWB is giving others in Canadian and commerce WITHOUT my option of doing it myself or picking a "better" service provider.
c) How does this in any way enhance my grain value, or extract a premium for my farm? It doesn't and you just explained why Willy!
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
What does it feel like working for Labour Unions and Multi-nationals (Service Providers CWB chooses for me) Willy?
In the meantime how about the CWB playing by the actual literal requirements of the CWB Act for a change Willy?
The whole attitude of the CWB on export licenses today is to "STOP" the movement of grain outside CWB "Agents"... of course these are mostly multi-nationals if you had not noticed!
1. The CWB forces Ordinary "designated area" growers to do Producer Direct Sales through a CWB Agent. This costs big money, often up to $10/t... and simply to line the pockets of the agent. A simple barrier that often in itself stops the sale.
a) What about allowing everyone the opportunity the CWB gives Organic Growers, at least at an export license administered by the CWB at a minimal cost?
b) Better YET; How about a no-cost export license like "Designated Area" seed growers or manufactured feed exporters are given?
c) And on this very subject, how about the CWB returning the value raised from charging for export licenses to the Receiver General of Canada... like the CWB Act requires of them... instead of dumping it into the pool accounts like they do now?
2) On Cherry Picking; Isn't that the whole point of the "Single Desk" the CWB runs? You claim it isn't worth it, because the hoops we must jump through end up costing as much as the premium offered in the first place; I agree.
However willy:
a) what is true, about "Cherry Picking" as you just pointed out, the CWB encounters this fact of life just like anyone else doing business... except that the CWB has no tangible interest except to get some other hired gun to do its business... AT COST PLUS!
So I must pay these charges.
b) THis is "Orderly Marketing" Stop me and my farm from extracting value the CWB is giving others in Canadian and commerce WITHOUT my option of doing it myself or picking a "better" service provider.
c) How does this in any way enhance my grain value, or extract a premium for my farm? It doesn't and you just explained why Willy!
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
What does it feel like working for Labour Unions and Multi-nationals (Service Providers CWB chooses for me) Willy?
In the meantime how about the CWB playing by the actual literal requirements of the CWB Act for a change Willy?