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Wilagro, How about the CWB follow the "Rules"?

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    Wilagro, How about the CWB follow the "Rules"?

    Dear Willy,

    The whole attitude of the CWB on export licenses today is to "STOP" the movement of grain outside CWB "Agents"... of course these are mostly multi-nationals if you had not noticed!

    1. The CWB forces Ordinary "designated area" growers to do Producer Direct Sales through a CWB Agent. This costs big money, often up to $10/t... and simply to line the pockets of the agent. A simple barrier that often in itself stops the sale.
    a) What about allowing everyone the opportunity the CWB gives Organic Growers, at least at an export license administered by the CWB at a minimal cost?

    b) Better YET; How about a no-cost export license like "Designated Area" seed growers or manufactured feed exporters are given?

    c) And on this very subject, how about the CWB returning the value raised from charging for export licenses to the Receiver General of Canada... like the CWB Act requires of them... instead of dumping it into the pool accounts like they do now?

    2) On Cherry Picking; Isn't that the whole point of the "Single Desk" the CWB runs? You claim it isn't worth it, because the hoops we must jump through end up costing as much as the premium offered in the first place; I agree.

    However willy:

    a) what is true, about "Cherry Picking" as you just pointed out, the CWB encounters this fact of life just like anyone else doing business... except that the CWB has no tangible interest except to get some other hired gun to do its business... AT COST PLUS!

    So I must pay these charges.

    b) THis is "Orderly Marketing" Stop me and my farm from extracting value the CWB is giving others in Canadian and commerce WITHOUT my option of doing it myself or picking a "better" service provider.

    c) How does this in any way enhance my grain value, or extract a premium for my farm? It doesn't and you just explained why Willy!

    Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

    What does it feel like working for Labour Unions and Multi-nationals (Service Providers CWB chooses for me) Willy?

    In the meantime how about the CWB playing by the actual literal requirements of the CWB Act for a change Willy?


    Tom4CWB makes an exact point.

    The CWB issues export licenses to all those big bloody bad feed mills, corporations. Hands them over. No cost.

    And not only that, but the CWB has CHOSEN not to market or pool the grain that these big bad mills buy directly from the farmer.

    Why don't you squawk about that?

    Why are you so complacent about the big companies bypassing the CWB, but you shout and squeal when someone like AS wants to bypass the Board. Why would Jay-mo be wicked for wanting the same?
    Your inconsistency makes your argument crumble.



      Charlie and Lee,

      I would appreciate you bringing these above issues to the attention of the CWB Sales Dept.

      The 'Pecunary Benefit enuring the applicant' is purely the amount extracted and paid the Agents and people involved in the flow of trade and commerce between my farm gate and the end user of my produce.

      Since any benefit I create above the value the CWB is willing to pay me, is created by my farm and family in the first place... why should we be prevented from harvesting this added value?

      The above is predicated on the reasoning that the CWB operates sales on a commercial basis that respects WTO, trade, and ethical principals (spelled out in CWB bylaws) that would stand the test of time as "Orderly Marketing" that is done to actually extract value for the "designated area" grain growers the CWB is supposed to exist to help in the first place.

      What a twisted mess! The CWB breaks all the rules... for WHAT?


        The CWB states, in the recent Grain Matters "It is in all farmers' best interests to ensure any changes to the cwb are consistent with the Canadian Wheat Board Act.

        Me thinks they should follow their own rules with regards to forward selling.. The act states that no grain shall be offered for sale until it is offered by farmers. I wonder if there is a law suit here.


          Tom4CWB: Well Tom, next time that I talk to our local director, I will pass on your concerns.

          Too bad that you didn't get elected as director for this area and then you could speak to the entire CWB management team...but I guess the farmers here didn't like your attitude and all. Better luck next time...if there is to be one.



            .....selling grain you don't have..... is that called





              You said,

              "...but I guess the farmers here didn't like your attitude and all. Better luck next time...if there is to be one."

              Since you know who I am, and I don't know who you are, I am at a disadvantage.

              Am I to take this;
              "if there is to be one."
              a) as a personal threat;
              b) a meaning that the CWB may not exist for 2008 elections in your opinion;
              what exactly were you getting at?

              Willy; you seem to have many opinions, yet now simply you won't comment?



                Tom: No threat. I meant if the CWB was still in existence AND should you decide to allow your name to stand for re-election.

                I have said many times...I am expressing an opinion and I DO NOT ANSWER FOR THE CWB. If you present hypothetical questions that only the board can answer the it is they who should be answering them. Is that clear enough?



                  "Willy; you seem to have many opinions, yet now simply you won't comment?"

                  I don't remember asking you to "Speak" for the CWB!

                  Now you are going to remain silent after saying so very many times our ( us "detractors") ideas are lacking credibility and coherence?


                    Tommyforcwb, I have heard you ramble on at meetings in the past. You are without a doubt one of the most bizarrrre characters in framing. What about that nickel the cwb owes my grand pappy from the 30's? He never got it. No wonder you never got elected as a Comedian Wheat Hoard, director. Sucking up to the Alberta P party doesn't mean that you represent all of us out here on the fram, thank goodness. Why don't you and parsley try holding your breath until the barley appeal is done and the cwb is history. Ha, ha, ha, Go angriville go!!!!!!!!!!!!!



                      You always write like you do in this thread when you have been doing too much peeping in windows. You have to go for help.




                        That was an interesting posting!

                        Your complaint is:

                        a) that there is a long standing list of issues the CWB fails to deal with?

                        b) I work to help the Alberta Government better serve the farm community?

                        c) The CWB/Liberals were not able to pay me off... so I have a bazzare personality because I couldn't be bribed?

                        Tom Halpenny did a great job of getting under my skin back in the 90's... since then I have learned much and mellowed out you must admit!


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