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Flaman the Liberal

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    Flaman the Liberal

    <b>Wheat Board director joins Liberal team</b>

    Friday, September 21, 2007

    REGINA -- Saying he is frustrated by the Conservative government "attack" on the Canadian Wheat Board, a board director plans to represent the Liberals in the next federal election.

    Rod Flaman, an Edenwold area farmer, was to be acclaimed Thursday night as the federal Liberal candidate for Regina-Qu'Appelle.

    Flaman, a farmer-elected director with the Canadian Wheat Board, said the Conservative government's attempt to dismantle the board's monopoly on barley sales is one of the main reasons he is entering the federal political fray.

    "It's a much broader issue than just the wheat board. (But) I think that the wheat board is a good point for me to launch my campaign from," said Flaman.

    Flaman was himself once a vocal opponent of the Canadian Wheat Board's monopoly on wheat and barley exports. He was among a number of farmers who protested the single-desk system of selling in the 1990s, when the federal Liberals were in office.

    But after being elected as a Canadian Wheat Board director in 2000, he came to call the wheat board a success story.

    Flaman criticized the Conservative government's attempt to end the barley monopoly by an order-in-council this summer, rather than going to Parliament. The government's attempt to remove barley from the board's monopoly by way of regulation was quashed this summer by a federal court ruling. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, citing support from farmers that are calling for an end to the monopoly, has since announced the government will appeal.

    Flaman said he will continue to serve as a wheat board director until a federal election is called, at which point he would take a leave of absence.

    "Flaman said he will continue to serve as a wheat board director until a federal election is called, at which point he would take a leave of absence."

    So what exactly does taking a 'leave of absence' mean?

    Is there another CWB election to replace him? Does the seat just stay empty?

    Does he get to automatically come back as one of the BOD after he loses the election?

    And isn't this a conflict of interest?


      Here's from the CWB's webpage:

      (vi) Outside Activities
      A director must not carry on a business, hold an office or directorship, or engage in an activity if these activities are likely to conflict with the director's duties and loyalty to the CWB or bring harm to the CWB.

      Directors must refrain from conduct which compromises or may be perceived to compromise their ability to carry out their duties in an impartial manner and must be mindful that the public may not distinguish between their role in the corporation and their role in outside activities.

      It is recognized that some Directors come to the Board through producer elections and some through federal government appointment. All directors, however, continue to hold the same duties to the CWB, even when those duties conflict with the wishes of the federal government or the wishes of some producers. Directors must clearly understand that their primary duty is to act in the best interests of the CWB."

      So, does Flaman go with the Liberal party policy or the CWB policy? From what I hear from some reallly realllllllllllllllllllly unhappy grassroots Libs, they don't want Orchard setting Liberal Ag policy!!

      You boys will all be organic soon.



        So what's wrong with going organic? Less fertilizer less chemicals ? L.O.L.


          CWB website:

          "H. Political Activities
          Every director is free to participate in partisan political activities. A director's political activities, however, must be clearly separated from activities related to his or her appointment.
          If engaging in political activities, directors must remain impartial and retain the perception of impartiality in relation to their duties and responsibilities. Directors must not use corporate facilities, equipment, or resources in support of these activities. Partisan politics must not be introduced into the workplace in any way which creates undue or inappropriate influence on employees within the CWB, or persons or business enterprises with whom the CWB does business. The Board and individual directors will comply with the Political Donations Policy adopted by the Board."


            From CWB website:

            "As a general practice, successive breaches by a director will usually be treated as follows:

            First breach – Director will receive a warning letter from the Governance and Management Resources Committee Chair and Board Chair.

            Second breach – Director will be suspended for a specified period of time.
            Third breach – Director will be terminated."


              So what part of running as a Liberal candidate does not make one 'partisan'?


                Flaman must resign immediately.



                  Has he not already been using his office for partisan reasons in the past?


                    Access to Information could be revealing.


                      I'm really finding agriville funny to read these days, you people have got to stand back and laugh at yourselves sometimes ( I know I do)so heres how I see this.

                      Vader has now joined the dark side (Liberals) or "Empire" as it may be refered too. You had to see this move coming.

                      He is being challenged by the Rebel alliance here.

                      Luke Strawwalker errr Chaffwalker
                      Princess Parsleia
                      Hans Silverback

                      With occasional help from Fransico Calrissian
                      And we can't forget their helpful Droids
                      and Lee2Mel2
                      And where would our little rebel group be without the wisdom and the helpful words from
                      Adam WonSmithkenobi ad Yodafarmer3

                      I always enjoy the one where our heores blow up the Agstar errrr deathstar.
                      MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU


                        I have to admit that I chuckled at your genius in creative parsing.

                        I believe we need a roadshow with full cast, and I guess since you are the creator, you'd best do the advising.

                        Well done!.

                        I look forward to being a bad actor.



                          You know, that ship saved my life quite a few times. She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy.



                            Does this mean you want me to be speachless... or that my "growls" are to speak volumes in a few tones?


                            I tend to agree with the attention being given Vader... this is EXACTLY what he is looking for... and needs to confirm his important Mission:

                            To boldly go where no man has gone before, to the Liberal Trough of Regulation, Arrogance, and Greed.

                            Emulate Ralph Goodale if you must... Vader... and the institutions and strife he is responsible for... are a haunting legacy.

                            As are the actions and legacy of Rod Flaman at the CWB.

                            There is no such thing as a "Right Wing" Liberal... try as you might to get us to forget... turning on those whom you were elected to serve... will never be forgotten.

                            Individual Freedom and true Liberty are the principals you were elected to protect...

                            IF you had added to these 'Social Justice' you would have been a true hero...!

                            The altar of fame gets many principals sacrificed in its hungry flames!


                              Thanks all for taking the humour in all this in the fashion in which it was intended.
                              It yes would appear that our young flamikin has been seduced by the power of emperor Goodale and the dark side.

                              Interesting really, how this played out if you do compare this to Star Wars. (I'm such a nerd)


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