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    Probably belongs on another board but...

    Does anybody find it funny that the us is about to open its boarder just as the cattle price is about to collapse?

    ...good to see access to markets that were otherwise closed for quite a few years, will help cushion the impact of the cycle, just like the lack of market access for certain other commodities I grow have been cushioned from rising to global market prices by our own restrictions to market access


      Yes it probably does belong over on the beef forum - where the participants know something about the subject.



        My interest comes from the consumption side. The livestock people I talk to don't complain too much about the current run up in feed prices (recognize it is part of the market and a signal in a situation of declining feed grain acres). It is another straw (albeit a big one) in a post drought, post BSE, higher valued loonie, etc. that is impacting the Canadian industry.

        Trying to remember whether you or someone else but there was general agreement of a reduction in herd size. Open border south will allow another market in this herd reduction phase. Longer term, this will impact barley consumption.

        Brought up mandatory country of orgin labeling. This will be a more important factor over the coming year as everyone gets ready for implementation phase starting January and in full effect October 2008.



          You must have taken your grummpy pill this morning!

          CP... Marketing any farm produce is always about market timing... no doubt about it. It appears to me that Cow prices are better than they would have been... had the US Border stayed closed!

          Market access is always better to provide for sales opportunity and competition. Domestic buyers could offer less than what other folks on the other side of an internatioal border, would; be willing to pay.


            grassfarmer, if you feel so than stay where you belong, there are still grain farmers who sell commodities that include cattle, I welcome your debate anywhere, you obvisouly do not...


              Grasshopper is just grumpy because his pet theory on trade has just been blown out of the water. Protectionism drops, market access increases, prices and profits get better.

              You wanted a single country named? Hows about the U.S. grasshopper.


                My comment was based on the first two posts - CP and northfarmer , the proposed border change is only to allow live breeding cattle and cull cows (over 30 months)to cross. Our under 30 month beef has been crossing for a long time now. CP - what cattle price is about to collapse?
                You are a joker Franny - you mean the US would actually buy our beef if we scrapped supply management?? - NEWSFLASH *** they already do, try again.



                  DOn't be arrogant... calling him "Grasshopper" does not help your case.

                  And as always... there are exceptions to your economic "Rule"... Thousands of them!

                  As a generalization, market competition from another nation, that can afford our produce, will allow a premium to be extracted by those who will work hard and provide special services delivering that high quality produce... that then earns a premium!

                  Domestic customers are best, served locally... if respected they can have the highest "Loyalty" factor as long term customers (If treated with respect)... and can be serviced at the best efficiency and lowest cost from a broad perspective!


                    I dont believe it will be a long term collapse,the short term just looks real bad.Which puts the buying opportunity in the medium term.

                    This is all macro perspective i know very little about the cattle market.

                    As far as the open and free and wonderful north american market-the cattle guys got "shut out",right at the peak.



                      Gee Tom what happened to combining today? To busy spreading the social gospel I see.


                        Tom, <b>all customers</b> both domestic and otherwise are best served by whoever can offer them the best product fot the best price. Irregardless of where that product comes from.

                        Your so-called balanced position is nothing of the sort it is in reality an inconsistent one.


                          Still having problems connecting the dots grasshopper?

                          Lowering trade barriers around the world for beef increases the demand. There are only so many places we can physically ship cattle and it makes more sense to turn it into beef first anyways. American packers seem to be more effiecient than our own, as such they are better positioned to increase exports. Where do they get the extra cattle from to fill the demand? Canada makes the most sense.

                          So the U.S. would buy <b>more cattle</b> from us if we traded supply management for lower tarrifs world wide.


                            By the way Tom, my friends call me Frisco. I do not think of 'Frany'as being particularly respectful of my name, sounds too much like Granny.

                            So please don't lecture me about name calling while using mine in a derogatory way. I have had quite enough of your hypocrisy as it is lately.


                              Frisco et al;

                              Sorry that I insulted you... funny how it wasn't worth your mentioning before... but NOW...

                              Ever heard of "Liquid Sunshine"?

                              Just check the Edmonton Radar... Charlie can confirm... I guess I am getting on your nerves... Time to take that CTEAM Course 'Frisco"!

                              Larry Martin and the crew are just waiting for a bright young man like you to educate... Frisky!



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