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Manitoba RM takes Farmers Land

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    Broker, have your land taken away



      "2(e) deprive a person of the right to a fair hearing in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice for the determination of his rights and obligations;"

      'Read in" principals of Fundemental Justice are:

      1. The Common Law is based on the Golden Rule, which states;
      Do unto others as you would have done unto you,
      And the Negative Golden Rule, which states;
      Do not do unto others as you would not have others do unto you;

      2. The two fundamental principals of common law:
      ć Do not infringe upon the Rights, Freedoms or Property of others, and
      Keep all contracts willingly, knowingly and intentionally

      Common law maxims include:
      ć That for every wrong there is a remedy,

      ć The end does not justify the means,

      ć Fundamental principals cannot be set aside to meet the demands of convenience or to prevent apparent hardship in a particular case,

      ć Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law,

      ć Two wrongs do not make a right, and

      ć One can enlarge the rights of the people, however they cannot be taken away without their informed consent.


      Why do our courts refuse to respect these laws?


        wd, people in my community HAVE lost their house because the owed in the tens of thousands in back taxes...if they don't pay, and the community does nothing, then they raise MY taxes again...I keep reading on here about how people are tired of working to make money for others, whether it be the multinational grain co's or the CWB or whoever...why should I have to work harder to pay my taxes, that have been increased because someone else chooses not to pay theirs...is that fair? I'm not saying that they should immediately take someone's land, but if all other means are exhausted, then they need to look at other ways to keep other people from having to foot the bill.


          broker, You're the idiot Here is some advice for you, move to the South Pole, start an unfettered business dealing in bird guano, you'll soon be broke, rather than broker!!!!!!!! Win, win situation for all concerned.


            Tom, you're asking the wrong guy on that one. My Devils advocacy only goes so far.


              Good point broker.

              Burbert, stop looking in the mirror before you post. No argument, no point, just insult. Classy.


                For anyone interested the courts rational can be found at the following address.



                  At this point, it will be interesting whether Arthur Fouillard receives financial compensation for his land based on the bush, scrub and pasture, as it is now, or whether he'll receive compensation based on it's potential it earn income as a tourist attraction ! ????


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