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Good Times!!

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    Good Times!!

    I hear all you guys talk about these higher prices whuch are going to make everyone able to pay down debt, build up savings, etc. Personally, for myself, and a lot of others in my area, all these higher prices are doing is just keeping us from going backwards for another year, MAYBE! I congratulate all of you who are able to get ahead this year!!! But with inputs at $200/acre and yields worst ever next to 2002 drought, we won't be having anything extra.


    I hear you.

    There is a good reason for high quality wheat to be worth $8/bu.

    For the folks with 30bu/ac and less... it is needed to stay solvent.

    Another interesting twist... is that some growers Canola and CWRS wheat yeilds were reversed this year... 30 wheat and 40 Canola.

    The CWB knows we are short of wheat... big time. Read the US Wheat article below!


      Just curious on your farm location. Don't know about Saskatchewan but coverage levels will increase in Alberta as a result of the variable price benefit and you are in a claims situation. Based on the fall price calculation, the prices used in calculating payouts for most crops will be up the full 50 % over spring insurance coverage prices (maximum increase allowed).


        I am in the Camrose area, It will be nice to get something out of the VPB thats for sure. Things arn't so bad that we are in a claim situation but none the less 20-30 bu crops barely get you through.


          Count your lucky stars your not in Saskatchewan.
          Sask Crop Insurance would pay you NOTHING with a 20-30 Bushel crop.
          Their are people who are going to have one heck of a rough winter.
          Everyone Gave their crop every option in 2007 but heat hurt bad.Be happy you live in Alberta.


            I wouldn't complain too loudly about 20- 30 bus crops and the 2002 drought being the only other one in recent memory.
            There are lots of producers with consecutive drought years in southern sask. (so coverage is low) and the idea of 20 - 30 bushel crop would Sound pretty good to them.


              How much money do those drought prone people put into their crops? Maybe they could FINALY consider they are not in a prime grain area, and graze sheep, cows, or kangaroos. East of me a few miles, where civilization ends, and the soil with it, farmers raise cattle in the bush, they know it is too wet, stony, and unproductive.
              Just a thought. Not trying to knock those guys personally, but dang. You know? At least they don't put much in, and won't have to when it does rain again, as weeds have not been seeding out, n has not been leached, and they are set up for a very cheap crop when it does rain. Compare this to areas too wet to seed, and wow, they have it easy...


                It's about time some one spoke up about the situation for many farmers, hte high prices with low yield are just keeping things to a minimum. Up in the north here lots of acres drowned out, weren't seeded to begin with, and then fried and froze. The so called big crop up north is not the reality across the board in fact many are below crop coverage and that's a joke. not to mention lots of acres may not even come off this fall.


                  Again Mustard has a point and so does free wheat. Flood is way worse than drought.
                  the dryer areas just quit when it stops raining but in North we just keep going because moisture is not a concern. But a 20 -30 would definitely be a thankful crop to a lot of Sask farmers this year.
                  Hell 160- 240 on Spring wheat or 190 - 285 on Durum.
                  But when one spends 200 plus an acre from Rent to Inputs, Yes its a pitiful year.


                    SKhadenough Is the problem Sask Crop Insurance!
                    Stupid Lorne Calvert and his Cohorts don't get farming hell they think the CWB is God. But when years of flooding are not recognised, when 6 year of drought in Western Sask are written off by Sask Crop as a disaster and Yields are brought back to Normal for them. But the Eastern and northern side had no help.
                    Yes it seems only a few areas had a bumper in Sask with Decent yields to capture this rising market.
                    20% farms will 45% will break even and 35% will Loose money this year.


                      my canola is in the range of 21 bushels an acre (flooding)and my coverage is for 19 bushels an acre (too cheap to pay the 8 dollar premium for 80% coverage). Yes Sask, I'd say sask crop insurance has issues!



                        You mis-read dfarms11, "Things arn't so bad that we are in a claim situation... so no claim.

                        I don't know why VPB will help folks... except if took Hail... then more pay out I believe is how it works.


                          Welcome to the Free market where the Railways are competing hard to bring you the the producer the lowest cost freight rate and the Fert companies (or is it singular) is competing hard to give you the lowest price fertilizer and the competition in chemicals is so cut throat that the cost of canola seed and chemical is dropping like a rock and the Petroleum companies are competing hard to bring you the lowest priced fuel.

                          signing off with tongue planted firmly in cheek


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