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Harvest Progress!

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    Harvest Progress!

    Another inch plus of rain over the weekend. Where is Indian Summer.
    1000 acres to go plus 1100 custom oats.

    Saskfarmer3, Where I live, the harvest has been great, wind blowing everyday, ground nice and dry, hasn't rained since Aug. Grain all in the bins, nice and dry, aeration on to cool things down some frost damage, a heck sell it as feed. Yields not that great, but all and all a wonderful Fall. Prices up, cow guys whinning to high heaven. CWB bashers taking credit for everything.un AB is truly a wonderful place to live these days, unless you are renting that is! Framing has been good to us this year, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


      Congratulaions burbeer for farming in the dustbowl region. Some of us are not so lucky. Enjoy your pooled price. hope you can surive with it.


        up in the peace lots of crop to go, we are down to a day on cps, than only canola to go, i suspect as much as 40 to 50% of crop acres out, but it depends on the area, we are still getting rain and showers every odd day and not enough of the so called "Indian Summer", but i am not complaining we have been lucky with above avg yields and good quality.....I rent lots of land and I am happy, we will make out just fine, I have lots of cows and I am not whining, I plan on buying more cows, i love to bash the CWb and I am proud of it, the fact you come from AB, Burbent, is one of the few things I am not proud of, but it is a free world, and my only hope that you have not spawned a second generation of farmers for us, if you tried I am sure they ran as far away from the farm as soon as they could...

        good luck SFfarmer and others, I am hopefull that mother nature will let us get the rest of this one off.


          Some decent weather for a change along the Calgary, Edmonton Corridor. Been running late nights with good winds and finally getting through some acres. If we get by showers tonight many will be done or close by end of the weekend. Hope to be done tomorrow. I've been combining since mid August.


            Chinook blew in on sunday, along the highway 2 corridor south of RedDeer, got all the swathed barley done, wheat done, and now working on standing barley. some canola left too. Standing barley is bit of a pain, due to excessive moisture in the spring, crop goes from 0 bu to over 100 bu/acre yet will average 55 -60 at best. Some frost damage, and weed growth such as chickweed and voluntary canola causing issues. Funny this damn flowering canola can take -7 C and still keep blooming!
            Grades - canola #1 yeilds 30-40 depending on the land and how flat (flooded) it is.
            Barley average 55 - malt? not sure yet as I have yet to offer a sample(want to try and see what the maltster will pay me cash! no CWB prices!)
            wheat, I didn't get any in but cousins HRS should be a #2 and 65 bu/acre
            over all yields down on the cereals up to 50% lower than norm, canola 30% . All crops varied due to the land,how flat and how much it could retain water. As mentioned earlier this year I could not seed 500 acres due to the moisture, first time that many acres were left unseeded in the history of the farm.
            Sure like to know where Burbert farms, I like it here in AB, costs to farm a hell of a lot more with rent, land values and inputs, yet with a progressive government here things happen! Good luck with the election in SK !


              missed heavy rain today Regina and west and north to Saskatoon got a good shot. Could go by Saturday. lets hope.


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