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Saskatchewan Election and Farm Vote.

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    Saskatchewan Election and Farm Vote.

    Well the writ was dropped last night. Finally Calvert did his little walk in valley with his grandson who said Grampa every one hates you its time to come home and play with me.
    What does he think he is Trudeau.
    But seriously here is a chance to hit the NDP and Liberals with CWB issues.
    Calvert helped block the Barley vote with cash made available to friends of CWB.
    Calvert and company hit rural Sask hard on Roads, Schools, hospitals and Prov disaster programs etc.
    Liberals are looking for support so their leader can get money. That's all he is looking for. They need party status so will try every thing. No School taxes for Cities but Rural you just keep paying your school taxes.
    So farmers of Saskatchewan look hard at the Candidates ask questions and see who really serves you.
    Then Vote because the Big Unions are going to be out and make sure all their boys are voting and carrying Grandma from the old folks home so she can mark her X for Calvert.

    Its too bad that on Brad Wall's resume he has never had a job. other than politics.


      Yes I know this is Commodity site but the Out come of the Sask election has huge ramification for farmers. One is dealing with Ottawa on farm issues by farmers and not preachers. Two is CWB, Wheat and Barley and how this will shake out. If we have Alberta and Sask against Manitoba it will finally end.


        Well Calvert was a Preacher.
        Give you heck then pass around a plate and take your money.
        I guess he is qualified.


          Its going to be a close one.


            I agree but one thing people in RedChina with Govt jobs that I have been talking to are saying they really aren't political but after 10 years or more any govt has corruption.
            I am still worried. this will be a close one, Also any one who hasent been a resident since March cant vote.


              Sask,do you think what the federal conservatives are doing to us over equalization is going to hurt the sask party?

              I think six months ago the sask party was a shoe in but now were in boom times and everyone feels it....so who knows.


                Fair enough Saskfarmer (maybe Calvert had the big guy on his side)
                Anyways whoever wins this election They Have got to Change the Royalty Structure. We are getting screwed!!! the 16% rate was droppped under Devines open for business theme,and never raised since.
                At one time under Blakeny we got 50% and I think Alberta under Lougheed was similar. The history books will not look kindly on Ralph Klein who went to far and should get a christmas bonus every xmas for the rest of his life from the oil companies.
                If we have to get together with Alberta and set the rate together so be it ,but when a barrel of oil is $80 and we are getting the same rate we got when it was $20 is totaly ludicrous. It's our oil why are we giving it away to american companies. lets get our rates up Alaska or Norway standards instead of lowballing everyone while Exxon makes 47 Billion in profits in 2006


                  Maybe we should be like the middle east and Mexico and get 100% of the revenue and just contract the work out like they do.


                    Cotton I think the Equalization one isn't working were a have province. but the Deal with NS recently makes me wonder.
                    Mustard if Sask joined the Alberta and BC consortium and all three set their rates accordingly that makes sense.
                    But if Alberta goes on its own watch Sask action pick up if Sask Party wins if its Calvert watch us start to drop again.
                    Oil is already looking at setting up businesses in Meadowlake ahead of development of our oil sands. Deeper but maybe more1


                      sask3 The sask party has to leave the cwb debate alone in the election. as much as you my think otherwise only 13.8% voted to get rid of the cwb. there is no sense alienating the rural voters who are going to vote for the sask party anyway.


                        A can of worms has just been opened.


                          Sask3 just remember to vote the right way!!

                          I know that Burbert will vote the wrong way


                            I got my vote going the right way, I love elections and hopefully this time we will win and win big.


                              I agree, stubble, Sask Party stay out of cwb debate, it's a federal thing.


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