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Saskatchewan Election and Farm Vote.

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    I guess I should have been clearer with my post.
    Can any farmer really vote for NDP or Liberals in this election when they are both out to keep farmers in the Stone ages.
    If we have a Sask party Govt we will not have any more money thrown at Friends of CWB etc. Netty weib etc.
    So farmers get out and vote and mark the X in the right box.


      How about that brilliant NDPEE strategy, "We don't want to be like Alberta, but boy we sure are a good government because of all that oil revenue coming in" Hmmm? I think there's more than just the eggs scranmbled at the premier's breakfast table!!!!!


        Not gonna vote at all, too busy framing, sides I live outta the jukusdiction. Puzzzuld, not in Saskabush, is what I ment!


          This farmer won't vote liberal or NDP. I still trying to get the knife out of my back, back in the days when my dad drilled it in my head. Its time to get some of the younger generation back.
          Hey Burbert does framing pay better than farming?


            I agree Karm I have lots of friends who are younger than me and Vote NDP or liberal and when I ask them why Because Dad did.


              Burbert since your such a good framer, I need 32 - 70 ft rafters and set up on a shed that's 70 x 140, But I don't higher drunks. So you would have to clean up your act.


                That theory works for every party I have lots of friends and neighbours who are not sure why they vote Conservative but its been passed on from generation to generation.

                The best thing is to get your kids to go to Every candidates meeting see what they think , discuss what you hear and let them decide for themselves. Every party has its good points and its bad .
                Be thankful you live in a country where we can do that.


                  Mustard man Explain to me why you as a farmer would vote for the NDP please.


                    They were the only Party who wanted to retain the crow rate while the fed liberal,conservatives and our Alberta conservatives to the west were doing their best to KNUCKLE under good lobbying from railroads and beef interests
                    I think WE as farmers should get rid of the Wheat Board ,Not Stephen Harper thru bogus plebiscites.
                    Its funny how farmers keep voting for parties that are in Favour of De-regulation and then when they are elected and they deregulate ,these same farmers are so surprised that they would do this. Apparently they weren't listening.
                    I haven't decided how I am going to vote.
                    Brad Wall is a good talker and I think he will win especially against Calvert who is not leadership material and has a weak gov't, I would like to see Karwacki get more representation and I think he will get alot of Ndp votes.


                      Saskfarmer3, Sorry don't work in Sask either. Full time framing in AB at the moment, things are to good to be true. Progressive PC's are the only way to go, scrimp and save are the order of the day. Let's squirrel it all away. Invest it in the market. Once the oil is all gone then we can use the Heritage Fund to keep the good times rolling, if it exists at all. Suspicion is that the Progressive PC's have been using it as a slush fund to keep power and eat expensive meals with their Amerikan friends!!!!!!!


                        Mustard I agree Karwacki will get Soft NDP votes in Regina. This weekend had people over who I know are NDP and they were bragging up Karwacki. Tired of Lorne and feel we need a change. Will Karwacki split the vote and We will have a landslide Sask party. That is no good either.


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