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fertilizer prices

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    fertilizer prices

    I've noticed a few postings here regarding the large differential between fertilizer prices on both sides of the U.S./Canada border. According to today's Winnipeg Free Press, fertilizer isn't the only commodity with these differentials:

    "A Grand Forks snowmobile dealer said he's been ordered by Quebec-based Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. to stop selling snow machines, ATVs and watercraft to Canadians who are looking to take advantage of the rising value of the Canadian dollar.

    Ron Thompson, owner of Gateway Sports in Grand Forks, said over the course of the past two weeks Bombardier....ordered him to impose a surcharge to Canadians of several thousand dollars on sales, and ultimately to not make any sales at all."

    Judging by the wide variance in goods experiencing this problem, I'd say that the issue is not simply a matter of someone "gouging" consumers, but is more likely a reflection of the high cost, in terms of restrictions on commerce and higher taxes, of doing business in Canada.

    In other words, "free" medical care is anything but free.

    I have a buddy who figures he saved 6 grand on a used mini-van by buying it in the states.

    It's looking like when you even out the dollar, the cost of doing business in the Great White North is higher than the land of Stars and Stripes.


      Kawasaki Concours 1400 touring bike in Canada is $19,900 for the ABS version. In the US, same bike is 12,500.


        I heard on a talk show that one of the reasons that we are charged more is that we are paying for it and we are also on the average person standpoint richer than the average american. Since Belle Plain fertilizer is cheaper south of the boarder I don't entirely buy that view. As a consumer though we must shop wisely and go south if need be. Actually this Belle Plain fertilizer plant is 49 percent owned by investment Saskatchewan. So I hold the NDP 100 percent responsible for the gouging. They should get off their ass and do something!


          In fact I expect to drop 120 grand south of the border this year on a used 3/4 ton and a 5th wheel trailer. Hard to believe that even bombardier after receiving as much money from the government of Canada in order to keep operating that they have to turn around and give it back to us up the axe.


            I guess the question is what can we do about fertilizer then. I have to strat looking into it .
            WD9 you seem like a bright young fella (or do I hafta do my own research) can we under NAFTA import our own fertilizer from the US? I have a fertilizer plant real close that exports ESN all day everyday by truck south. Could I get that truck to bring me fertilizer north if it's cheaper?


              what are your local quotes for 46-0-0, I am in Peace and we are at 525 to 530 now, were 490 to 500 in August.....cross border prices are of interest as well thought he logistic to get it all the way up here would make it tough.....has anyone made a deal on some offshore urea?this is a dramtatic increase from the early buy of last season


                nh3 at .41/lb and 46-0-0 at .46/lb out of red deer

                Screw the CWB


                  NEW FLASH The retail market, charges what the market will bear. There is no basis for prices charged in Canadia. GREED drives every decision made in the market. There it is in a nutshell duds, you got to have it boys/girls, pay the price and be nice. No more whinning and crying, gag on it and cough up the doe, fert is the basis for all crops, except the orgasimic ones, chew on that for a while, be thankful that you live where you live. Maybe we should all go to the cow guys/gals and buy some bulls--- from them spread it real thick you'll git a good crop and make lots of money!


                    I am ignoring Burburt as all should just do and get back to the post.
                    As soon as harvest is over I am going to ND and going to set up where I transfer money to the US convert to US save 3 cents on dollar then have the truck leave Belle Plaine and go NE to our farm. Freight will be less because were 140 Km from Belle plaine and ND is 320 Km from Belle plaine


                      One note brother inlaw left for Minneapolis to pick up two new Artic cat Sleds and his saving are close to 8000 on the pair. HM buy one get one free.
                      Common consumers start shopping with your feet.


                        Heard the FNA has brought a boat load of Russian fertilizer into Churchill. Are any of you part of that deal? What's the price, delivery requirements, quality etc. There have been problems with off-shore stuff in the past.


                          Saskfarmer, >I transfer money to the US convert to US save 3 cents on dollar<

                          Can you elaborate on this statement.

                          My bank in Canada will convert Can. to US on amounts over $10K US for 1.5% If under $10K it costs 2%.


                            I am ignoring Saskfarmer3, cause he and I have so little in common. He is wildly doing everything, has lots of money, and is whinning about fert costs. All at the same time he is still combining, complaining about the weather and gov't. Guess Angriville attracts all sorts. Framers are a strange lot, at the best of times!




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