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fertilizer prices

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    In case you were wondering what Saskfarmer3 was up to... it is called "Market arbitrage"... through intelligence, hard work, and the willingness to take risk!

    Now... If we find a deal... that is 25% cheaper... should we have to share it with you?

    Kind of like when we find a better price for our wheat... we must share that with you?

    If you don't want your farm to be more profitable... fine... but if we are willing to do the work and take the risk... why should it be against the law to make a fair return?


      Thanks Tom,
      Burbert I am still harvesting because We grew a good Crop, have lots to harvest, with just three of us and so far in October mother nature has given us a total of 4 Days to finish harvesting. SO KISS MY you know what.
      And today it rained again.
      So on the bright side if it doesn't rain again next summer we should be able to have a good crop again on sub soil moisture.
      On the Us exchange I have a US account that it would go through and the 3 cents was just me trying to make a point.
      Simply were getting ripped off if we were all like Burbert we would just sit their and take it and not do any thing about it, but today we have to fight for every nickel and that looks like one area this winter to start looking into.
      Looking at a new Grain dryer. So I can finish.


        Saskfrmr........you got lots of time to chat here but can`t call????????????877-554-2106.Am losing patience.Or should I start the name calling???????????


          I bought two super B's of fna product I don't know if its this load or not.
          tHey were matching local price back when I ordered it and saying that they will pay an undisclosed rebate. I follow that they don't want to reveal exact # because local suppliers just chrge a $ less and they get shut out.
          Trucking will be $10.00 from Saskatoon I think I can haul lentils then backhaul fert.
          As for quality Jason Mann from FNA told me that this was great product as the plants were newer technology has changed. But we will see.
          I did not want to risk the whole farm but was willing to try something new as MORE suppliers of a comodity tends to cut out the gouging.
          I belive FNA bought some on spec and is willing to make a deal give them a call.
          I will post when I pick up and let others know of the quality good or bad.


            Churchill Gateway Development Corporation

            Oct 17, 2007 11:50 ET
            Port of Churchill Welcomes First-Ever Ship From Russia
            CHURCHILL, MANITOBA--(Marketwire - Oct. 17, 2007) - The Churchill Gateway Development Corporation (CGDC) is pleased to announce that the first-ever ocean shipment from Russia has arrived at the Port of Churchill.

            A Murmansk Shipping Company vessel, the Kapitan Sviridov, will unload a shipment of fertilizer imported by Farmers of North America, a farm membership-based organization. Upon discharge of the fertilizer, the Russian vessel will be loaded with 20 000 tonnes of wheat destined for Italy - part of the Canadian Wheat Board's largest wheat shipping program through Churchill since 1977.

            "This is an historic event," said Lloyd Axworthy, chair of the Churchill Gateway Development Corp. "This vessel represents the first shipment under the Arctic Bridge concept linking Russian and Canadian Prairie markets. It is an important step forward."

            Mike Ogborn, managing director of OmniTRAX Canada Inc., which owns the Hudson Bay Port Company and Hudson Bay Rail Line, called 2007 a "banner year" for Churchill.

            "We've seen record wheat shipments, record northern re-supply shipments, the first domestic-bound grain shipment and now this - the first foreign cargo shipment imported through Churchill in years," he said. "This season has been excellent demonstration of the possibilities for this northern port."

            Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) President and CEO Greg Arason said the expanded use of the port of Churchill was the result of hard work and a commitment to the port by all of its stakeholders.

            "The CWB is pleased to have been involved in this event through reloading the vessel with quality wheat from the Prairies," he said. "This is a good example of the innovation and cooperation that will ensure this port remains a viable shipping option for western Canadian farmers."

            Honourable Rona Ambrose, President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Western Economic Diversification called the shipment a significant moment for the economy of Churchill. "The increase in use of the Port and the diversification of traffic are vital to this community. The Government of Canada will continue to ensure that through Churchill, Canadians are linked to the global marketplace."

            Manitoba Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation, Ron Lemieux, welcomed the ship's arrival as "a truly important event" for the Arctic Bridge initiative.

            "I am pleased the port is moving further into its role as a strategic link in international trade by taking advantage of new markets and successfully diversifying shipments," Lemieux said.

            Churchill Mayor Mike Spence said port employees and the town have been working hard to ensure smooth operation in such a busy year. "It is exciting for this community to see the results of some innovative ideas and gratifying that the importance of Churchill has been so widely recognized," he said.

            Steve Ashton, Manitoba Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, said: "Linking Asian and North American trade markets through Churchill is an idea whose time has come and will help generate more jobs, of course in Churchill, and hopefully other economic spin-offs for Manitoba's north."

            The Churchill Gateway Development Corporation is holding a welcoming ceremony at the Hudson Bay Port Company today at 11 a.m. Officials will be present from the Russian Trade Commission, the Murmansk Shipping Company, Churchill Gateway Development Corporation, Hudson Bay Port Company (OmniTRAX), Farmers of North America, the Canadian Wheat Board, the Province of Manitoba and Western Economic Diversification.

            As the only deep-water ocean port in the Prairie region, Churchill is open from July to November, with four berths for the loading and unloading of grain, general cargo and tanker vessels.

            For more information, please contact

            Churchill Gateway Development Corporation
            Bill Drew
            (204) 947-0033


            Churchill Gateway Development Corporation
            Lynda McGrath
            (204) 947-003


              Hold on to your hat crop duster If I am on here its either early morning, late night or when I have a break. Ill call when I have time.


                Saskfarmer, Is the border convoy still on?
                Feed barley at Lignite, ND is $5.45US.



                  Saskfarmer3, Careful that you don't slip over the edge, phone the farmer stress line or something, don't be afraid to ask for some help. An illness such as yours should not go untreated. Penny pinching and chiseling, while framing can, will drive anyone mad. And in the MEANTIME, make sure you git the combining done, I'm sure you have the biggest and best equipment that loans can buy, so it should only take a few minutes to clean up the last few thousand acres of superlative crop, dump it in a pile, then start drying it with your new, brand new, grain dryer, purchased at a discounted rate in Amerika! Almost forgot, screw Canadia!



                    Perhaps the difference between saskatchewan3 and you is that he runs a business with all the stress that goes with it. You have a way of life (framing) that you seem to enjoy (always smiling) with the ability to make money a secondary factor. There are not too many businesses (including farming) that can be treated as a way of life. Suggests that you are either retired or have given up on farming. May be wrong.

                    What the expression - If treat farming like a business, it is a very good way of life. If you treat farming like a way of life, it is a very poor business.


                      Churchill and canadas north are very,very interesting.The nuclear power plants,new oil sands projects,new mineral projects and the opening up of the north west passage to asia make for really wild oppurtunities.Of course the timeline is way out there.


                        The convoy grows.


                          burbot - you remind me of the old gut on CORNER GAS - his favorite comeback suits tou perfect -jacka**!


                            "My bank in Canada will convert Can. to US on amounts over $10K US for 1.5% If under $10K it costs 2%."

                            If your bank won't offer you 30-50 basis points above spot on FX - change banks.


                              If your bank won't offer you 30-50 basis points above spot on FX

                              Ya lost me, explain please.


                                Charliep, Thank you for all of your delightful/meaningful insight, about me and my op. Amazing how smart the gov't boys/girls are! Bet you've never earned one penny from actually framing. Course you got a brother or cos, or grew up on a fram in Sask or Man, so you know all about it, lifestyle, business, and of course shovelling it bigtime. Course a bunch more of you bov't boys/girls might be out of work soon. Cas of the interweb. Saw our local out of work former AB gag guy, comin out of the liquor store the other day, looked like hell. He didn't start framing after being forced from his job with Ab gag, guess that tells you something doesn't it. He was a good guy to very dedicated, didn't suck up to much to his employer or framers for that matter. Just a few thoughts about the future to chew on. Just trying to be insightful too!


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