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Cropping decisions

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    I find it VERY interesting that when the CWB stopped buying cash barley from "designated area" barley growers... and instead buy it from the trade... that withholding Export Licenses trapped large amounts of barley inside western Canada... and the CWB is pulling off large margins to pad the contingency fund...

    On top how the CWB confiscated my barley space off the combine... made me store it.... at my expense

    How all this "Maximises" a barley growers returns...

    When we see the US at almost 3x the shipments of past years barley exports... When the Aussies recently (a few weeks ago) closed the voluntary feed barley pool at well over $400/t...

    THe Aussie dollar is going through the roof... just like the loonie!

    How you can claim the CWB has done a good job on feed barley defies all economic logic!

    I see US barley coming into western Canada... does this mean the CWB is doing a good job of marketing barley?....

    Or just that during the premium market period from May to July/07... that CDN livestock feeders bought US supplies...

    Because the CDN trade was offering a premium to "designated area" barley growers by arbitraging the international market!

    Chaffmeister is right... the CWB directors "Single Minded" view of the world... speaks volumes for a group of unaccountable eccentric communists... who can hold the whole world at ransom... both its growers and export customers at the same time!

    So... is this a lie... or a bunch of off track farmers that don't have a clue? Chaff/WD9 are right. The CWB managers can get away with anything... because the only shareholder of the CWB has no ability to call them to account for what they do.

    The Right Honourable PM Harper was not fibbing... and certainly has a huge problem!

    Is Ward going to be the new CEO Agstar77... what will he bring as CEO/President to fix this mess?


      Why all the talk about futures prices and comparing barley futures to corn futures when the perfect apples to apples comparison is <b>cash barley prices</b> on both sides of the border?

      The charts on the link below clearly shows what happened and when it happened. And it looks to me like it was adjusted for currency.


      Our cash prices went from being $20 per tonne under the US at the beginning of the year to close to $40 per tonne over when the market thought we would be getting marketing choice. The cash price dropped like a dead duck August 1st and now we're like $70 per tonne under the American price.

      The price spread inverted twice. First when marketing choice was announced the second time was when the court ruled against marketing choice.

      This is more than just some kind of random "coincidence".

      Anyone who ignores what happened in the actual cash market is denying reality.



        Watch it...

        The CWB mind benders will tell you US Barley prices rose because the CWB got their monopoly back!

        These people can justify anything... because they have the "single desk" ... except that they maximise "designated Area" barley growers incomes!

        Sadly... the CWB has no legal obligation to get us fairmarket value... for our wheat and barley!

        We are so stupid!


          Because the farmer is not the shareholder. Simple.


            Oh yeah prices went up. Its just that they went up way more outside of the designated area than in it.



              Yes - all figures I've shown you are in Canadian dollars.

              It's the only way to do it - compare apple to apples.


                Fiends, For your info I am a framer. I will not share any of my fram knowledge with anyone, unless they are family. Sorry that you's guys don't like what I have to say. But the last time I checked this was a free county, and I have the right to freedom of expression. If you's are all optimists about framing, that is your problem. As for me, at least I am never upset or disappointed, when things go sideways or into the sewer, as often happens in angribusiness. Nobody in business is your friend boys/girls, its all driven by greed and envy. So suck it up, or cry and whine to high heaven, it makes no difference to the big picture. Grain grows, the water flows and big winds blow, huff and buff, you don't make one bit of difference. Politicos and CEO's make on the decisions that count and pay lip service to us. Framers are peons, to be used and abused cause they love the life style and always smile!


                  To bring back to topic, I like the idea to diversity crops. I note some like to pick the winner and allocate acres to it. My experience is to be diverse as a position for market opportunities in all crops and as a hedge against weather/disease. I see others as calling crop rotation but to me is part of the overall plan.


                    Maybe neither of them know .

                    The price had more to do with the Corn price than anything else.
                    The Barley price started dropping a few days after the Feds announced it was removing Barley from cwb. It continued on its slide thru to the CWB court decision and it Kept sliding.

                    The price of corn during this time had also been falling . Anyone who tells you that it had Anything to with the CWB- whether barley was in or was out is either sadly mistaken or INTENTIONALLY Misleading
                    Get over it boys


                      Sorry mus you can talk about corn futures all day long but its the cash barley price comparison in these charts...


                      ...that tells the story.

                      Before marketing choice was announced we were $20 per tonne under the Montana price, after we got close to 40 bucks over. Then after the judgment 'boom' we were back to $20 under, and now we're like $70 under.

                      Marketing choice goes out the window and so does 100 bucks a tonne on barley.

                      On August 1 our cash price dropped something like 30 to 35 bucks a tonne. The Montana price didn't move an inch and you want to try and tell us it's all because of corn futures?

                      That theory holds about as much water as a hula hoop.



                        Barley is non-GMO.

                        Barley makes very good camel/pet food.

                        Barley is short in supply... and high quality barley is difficult to buy.

                        Please tell me why the Aussies could extract over $400/t for ABB feed barley... the voluntary pool 1 average...

                        While the CWB pool 1 is $150/t lower.


                          Do you know the mustardman,
                          the mustardman, the mustardman,
                          Do you know the mustardman,
                          Who has a weary brain.

                          Oh, yes, I know the mustardman,
                          The mustardman, the mustardman,
                          Oh, yes, I know the mustardman,
                          Who has a weary brain.


                            Thank you all for contributing. Greatly appreciated!


                              how did the presentations go?


                                Won't be till the end of Nov. They need translation first and approvals, etc. Nothing is ever easy internationally.


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