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Water... Ag at bottom of Priority?

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    Water... Ag at bottom of Priority?


    I was reading in the US that SE Ag and Human Domestic Consumption is behind stream flow/Environment regs... here is an Aussie story... with much the same outcome!

    "Farmers urged not to boycott election
    October 22, 2007 - 1:44PM

    Drought-stricken farmers rallied in Canberra on Monday to warn the government's $10 billion water plan threatens to cause a man-made disaster that will force up food prices.

    Many of the 200 farmers participating in the Parliament House protest are irrigators whose water allocations have been slashed under the national water plan.

    The federal parliament passed laws in August that handed the commonwealth control over water allocations for irrigators along the drought-stricken basin.

    The laws, which are backed by all Murray Basin states except Victoria, also provide for the establishment of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to manage water resources.

    Murray-Darling Water Crisis Management Council chairman Ken Trewin said the plan would induce a man-made disaster across the basin that would force up food prices long into the future.

    "Taking this water out of production will wipe $28 billion off agriculture and associated industries, or 2.9 per cent off the economy," Mr Trewin said.

    He urged farmers to abstain from voting if the laws were upheld.

    "It's really important to get the message through to the treasurer of the day irrespective of which political party that might be," Mr Trewin told the crowd.

    "The drought has reached unprecedented proportions and the social and economic impacts are beyond comprehension.

    "That's the message to get to these politicians and the federal members, if they don't listen, don't vote."

    Mildura district g**** grower John Argaro said the federal government had failed to consult irrigators about the laws.

    He said if the federal government did not listen to their concerns farmers' would have no option but to abstain from voting at the federal election.

    "We've got to (abstain from voting)," he said.

    "We'll go in and cross our name off the role.

    "At the end of the day you cannot just push us aside and we'll go away, it's got to the point where something needs to be done straight away."

    Mr Argaro said irrigators in the Mildura district already had suffered a 35 per cent cut to their water allocations.

    He said by June next year farmers would have lost 60 per cent of their allocations.

    "Sixty per cent of the water gone, dead, going back to nature," he said.

    "If that's what they (government) want then so be it as long as they know they have killed a whole community."

    Robinvale g**** grower Luigi Ingaliso said he would protest by not repaying money borrowed to fund extra water allocations.

    "I don't think we will abstain from voting but we will abstain from paying our water bills," he said.

    "I've got a son that in two or three years time has to make a decision about staying on the farm.

    "What is he going to do? What am I going to do? Go on the dole?"

    The council has called for immediate consultation between governments, irrigation groups and farmers to re-work the national water plan."

    © 2007 AAP http://www.smh.com.au/news/National/Farmers-urged-not-to-boycott-election/2007/10/22/1192940960281.html

    Full grain bins and freezers... have been taken for granted for so many years....
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