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New CWB argument

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    The only thing standing between the farmer and $8.25 is the CWB. They are like warbles sucking away on farmers.

    They gotta go.



      Agstar wrote;

      (And how are you going to get your 8.25?)

      Well maybe I'm just tired enough and to that point that I just don't give a damn anymore, and maybe I'm going to load my trucks up and drive for about twenty minutes, get to the border, show the fellas at the USA side my brokerage papers, drive for another 20 minutes, pull up to the elevator, dump my trucks, get a check, and drive home and deposit the check.
      Maybe I'll just do that about twenty times.

      Then I'm done.

      I doubt the cwb will make an issue out of it, I doubt customs will make an issue out of it either because a little birdie told me that if the cwb makes a big fuss then probably all that will do, is cause a quick rewrite of the cwb act, maybe even a repeal.

      Cool huh!

      But then again maybe I'm just bluffing?

      Nah! I wouldn't do that.


        Adam,the number is 877-554-2106!While we are there I also want to buy some cheap Ivomec product to bring back.Parsley`s analogy of the grubs is right on........IVOMEC is the best I`ve found to reduce the PARASITES on our farm!!


          Mr. Beingessner really likes to be selective with his history doesn't he? Didn't mention that when the maltster was offering $4.75 the CWB was offering nothing, not even a PRO. Just another promise of what and see. Can he explain why a farmer would not want to lock in a price that was at a good premium to feed instead of going on faith in a system whose own feed pool that year finished higher than the 6 row malt pool and whose malt pools were well below non-board feed barley prices for most of the year?

          If he believes so strongly in the CWB this year, is Mr. Beingessner willing to guarantee that the malt pool will be at a preium to both the Board and Non Board feed prices this year, becuase the CWB isn't willing to guarantee that!


            Selective with his history?! You got that right!

            Beingessner is critical of those that sold too early in this rally - look at the great job the CWB is doing by not selling early like you fools....

            He seems to have forgotten that the CWB sold way more 2007 malt barley way earlier than usual - like last fall. At way lower prices than current prices.

            The whole approach of the CWB is to sell through the highs AND THE LOWS. So Beingessner's criticisms of selling early and too low are hypocritical if you ask me.


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