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Finally Done!

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    Finally Done!

    At 6:22 last night the Two 9660 picked up the last swath of Canola. Finally after harvesting from August (peas) till now some 90 Days. This will go down as one of the Longest drawn out Harvests for our farm. Hell I have something in Common with BurpFart, Harvest felt like a NDP Socialist Government worker from Regina, work three days then sit for Four.
    Total rainfall since august 8 inches If one looks on Ag Canada's drought map were the green blue yellow area between Melville and Regina.
    Now I didn't feel bad since last night to my North, East and to my South there were lights harvesting.
    Today and tomorrow we will join the others and finish off the Custom job 4-STS and a old 9600.
    Over all it was a good crop. One reason were probably the last harvesting in our area is that we kept the same rotation so Durum and HRS were a large part of our Cereals (Spring frost in USA made me Change seeding Plans) And since they were lodged harvesting was slow.
    Just wish we would get paid for it. Between Railways Incompetence and CWB were held prisoners in our own country

    Oh, you're lucky. Talked to my colleague in Grande Prairie yesterday. His estimate is that there's still 10 to 15 per cent left to harvest up there.





        Make the damn call and get it over with.



          Wow the world is a better place Saskframer, finished harvesting. Look out fellow marketeers, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till this guy starts marketing his incredible crop. Likely prices will drop, flop, elevators will be plugged, trains will derail, Stats Can will have to rewrite their stats, USDA will have to released revised, world stocks. Good prices are finished, when this flood of high/high/high/ quality, quantity of grain hits the market, the poor will have food, the biofuel industry kin now buy cheap. Tar sands kin stay in the ground. Hooorraayyyyyy


            Don't worry Burburt after he dries it, it will be 15 percent less weight, prices will come back. Saskfarmer hope you have time to work on this fertilizer issue. Seems most farmers are simply laying down letting themselves get run over by the fertilizer price train.


              Just finished five minutes before it snowed. Like everbody else long drawn out harvest. Now if one of you bright people could tell me how to pay all my bills. HEHE!!!!!!! some way or other I will figure out a way. In the old days I would be tipping a cool one right about now, but am heading for a warm bath instead. Oh how times change.


                Congratulation's to all the northern Boys that got done. We finished 500 acres of Oats for the Neighbor at 7.30 last night it started to snow at 7.40. I couldn't believe it.
                Burburt see that's how a real farmer works he helps out a neighbor who needs help. Oh I am such a bad bad man.
                Get a life!


                  Sask, you are truly a legend in your own mind. I am sure that when the time comes and you are about to enter the pearly gates, the crowds will part, the gate will snap open and you'll drive in, ahead of all the others. We'll know its you cause you'll be driving your 966666600 JD. Your neighbors are indeed lucky to live next to a lovable, friendly, happy, smart, nose to the grindstone, avid know it all marketeer like you. Other angriville fiends will be waiting to slap you on the back and tell you what a good framer you were!!!!!!!


                    BurpFart At least I know which way I am going!
                    You see Your like my NDP neighbors Pray with you on Sunday and then Prey over you the rest of the Week.
                    All my NDP neighbors were just to busy to come and help this guy out. But if he was looking to quit they would be the first in line circling to take him down.
                    Sounds a lot like you BurpFart. Maybe you are from the north East.


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