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Canola !

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    Canola !

    Anyone notice that on Friday canola crush margins increased $11-$12/t (one day move), while at the same time futures only went up $1-$2.5/t Crush margins are now the highest they've been all year at nearly $70.oo/t near by!

    This is another consequence of a $1.05 dollar and sky high ocean freight. Exports are not a big competitive factor to the domestice crusher right now.

    I can't wait until all the new crush capacity comes on line. Does anyone know if/when any of the announced new crushing plants will be operational? They seem to be slow to get going........


      Yorkton one a go and will be running Xmas of 08, pioneer will not be built.


        The last I heard they (JRI) were still going ahead - just looking for a way to build cheaper. Too bad if they've now scrapped the project. With the margins so good, maybe they'll still build somewhere.

        Any progress at Red Deer and Camrose?


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