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WSJ on Ethanol

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    WSJ on Ethanol

    Ethanol Backlash
    November 12, 2007; Page A16
    Like water seeping out of the giant High Plains Ogallala aquifer, support for corn ethanol seems to be ebbing in Congress. As political news goes, this is of the miracle variety, but apparently the market distortions caused by ethanol mandates are finally having an impact.
    "We're in a strong position," says Senator John Cornyn, the Texas Republican who is blocking a conference on the energy bill because the House version contains billions in new oil taxes to be spent on ethanol subsidies. Meanwhile, in the House, there's opposition to the Senate's mandate to increase ethanol production by 30 billion gallons annually by 2022.
    Let's review: the House energy bill taxes oil to subsidize ethanol, drawing Senate opposition, while the Senate bill forces U.S. consumers to buy more ethanol, drawing House opposition. Seems to us that the two chambers could simply agree that expanding on the already enormous subsidies for ethanol is a costly mistake and go home to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, but we don't pretend to fully understand the ways of Congress.
    What we do understand is that opposition to corn-based ethanol from environmentalists has Speaker Nancy Pelosi seeking a rewrite of the Senate's mandate. As the speaker attempts to fashion a stripped-down bill that can move in both houses, the House's tax-and-subsidy scheme for ethanol also doesn't appear to be part of the package. And with good reason.
    Last month, the National Academy of Sciences reported on the impact of ethanol production on water supplies. A University of Iowa professor chaired the report committee, so Big Corn might have hoped for a home-court advantage. But NAS reported that, "in some areas of the country, water resources are already significantly stressed . . . Increased biofuels production will likely add pressure to the water management challenges the nation already faces as biofuels drive changing agricultural practices, increased corn production, and growth in the number of biorefineries." When ethanol is criticized by scientists at Iowa's two largest state universities, you have to wonder who is for it.
    Meanwhile, investors are figuring out that these government policies are turning water into an increasingly scarce resource on which money can be made. Last week brought news that legendary oilman T. Boone Pickens has purchased 400,000 acres of water rights in the Texas panhandle. This will allow him to dip a straw into the Ogallala aquifer, portions of which "show water table declines of over 100 feet since about the 1940s," according to the NAS report.
    When oil barons decide there's money in drilling for scarce water in the American West, it's time for Congress to stop subsidizing an inefficient and thirsty energy source that soaks up more of that water. Ethanol has prospered on taxpayer subsidies fed by political panic over oil prices and old-fashioned Congressional log-rolling. It's about time that some in Congress are finally stopping to inspect ethanol's many, and growing, costs.”

    Looks like the bales could wait after all.


      i thought you might want to read this. now maybe address the issue. you've always got a smart remark but not ever much substance.


        Those who live by the subsidy sword eventually die by the subsidy sword.

        I seriously doubt that ethanol has a non subsidized future outside of sugar cane territory.

        The big risk is the US at some point pulling the existing handouts and mandates off the table now that all of this artificial demand has been created. There is already plenty of political pressure for this and I imagine it will grow.

        That's the joy of hanging ones fortunes on the whims of government.

        Whats the old saying, " a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have."


          Jen I can see why you don't have the energy to hit the shift button to capitalize 'I's',and the beginning of sentences or hit the enter key to start a new paragraph.

          Its all that hard work you do moving bales a couple of hours every day.

          Come to think of it that also explains why you don't have the energy to be able to differentiate between slavery and voluntary employment.

          I believe these are your gloriously exact lower cased words, "i really don't think the companies sending jobs overseas have any more respect for the labour than the slaveholders did 200 years ago."


            i guess we'll never know. using upper case wouldn't make my thoughts any more valid or invalid would it?


              You should be grasping at ANY straw, including capitalization, to gain back some validlity/credibility from that statement.



                try the decaf paisley


                  While I agree with most of the time lay off with the Grammar lesson.

                  It is distracting and detracts from your message if that's all you have it's pretty weak.

                  I KNOW you can do better.
                  I am NOT calling you a Nazi, that would detract from my message re: Goodwin's law. This is just the first reference I could easily find.

                  the following are excerpts from wikipedia
                  grammer natzee; alternatively capitalized and uncapitalized), spelling Nazi, and language Nazi are all terms used to describe a participant in a discussion (online as well as offline) who criticizes or habitually corrects the language usage of another participant. Such a person is often accused of flaming as a result of finding fault with minor details of other participants' messages and often only in opinions with which the accused grammar Nazi disagrees.
                  Grammar Nazis can sometimes focus solely on the stylistic manner by which an issue comes across, which is viewed at times as an ad hominem attack, but grammar Nazis retort that grammatical and spelling errors and stylistic flaws may make an argument hard to follow, making various people (whether or not they are actually grammar Nazis) want to correct the flaws, and then, after they have sorted out what the substance of the argument in question is, dive into the debate itself.


                    10 years ago i coldnt evan spell framer now i R 1.

                    (Read in your Burburt voice)


                    Acronyms rule, the queens English is dead!


                      As far as the subsidy issue I could agree they are bad.
                      But with my farmer hat on I could only argue that they are mostly responsible for the highest grain prices in history. How can I say with a straight face that biofuels should not be subsidized when without this NEW use we as farmers would still be producing at less than the cost of production.
                      This is like my holiday conversations with my socialist brother in law.
                      He would say "war is bad therefore we should not have war anymore".
                      - I would say " Bad people exist, and with out war they would rule the world"

                      Same argument for biofuels subsidies distort the market place, we should not have subsidies.
                      -Without subsidies Canada can not compete in a world where the playing field is not level. We need subsidies.

                      IMHO biofuels are the least market distorting way of getting there.
                      They have the biggest multiplier and the money flows towards the farm gate ,not away from it


                        Two wrongs never make a right.No matter how you spin it.


                          Ihav a spellling chekker.
                          It came with my PC.
                          It plane lee marks four my revue
                          Miss steaks aye can knot see.
                          Eye ran this poem threw it.
                          Your sure real glad two no.
                          Its very polished in its weigh,
                          My checker tolled me sew.
                          A checker is a blessings.
                          It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
                          It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
                          And aides me when aye rime.
                          Each frays comes posed up on my screen
                          Eye trussed too bee a joule.
                          The chekcer pours o'er every word
                          To cheque sum spalling rule.
                          Bee fore a veiling chekers
                          Hour spelling mite decline,
                          And if we're laks oar have a laps,
                          We wood bee maid too wine.
                          Butt now bee cause my spelling
                          Is checked with such grate flare,
                          There are know faults with in my cite,
                          Of nun eye am a wear.
                          Now spelling does not phase me,
                          It does knot bring a tier.
                          My pay purrs awl due glad den
                          With wrapped words fare as hear.
                          Of witch won should be proud,
                          And wee mussed dew the best wee can,
                          Sew flaws are knot aloud.
                          Sow ewe can sea why aye dew prays
                          Such soft wear four pea seas,
                          And why eye brake in two averse
                          Buy righting want too please.


                            Sorry, but spelling and grammar matter.

                            As my last post demonstrated when ignorance rules the day comprehension goes out the window.

                            Yes, this is all meant to be informal and off-the-cuff and everybody makes mistakes. But egregiously misspelling a word every sentence not only makes it hard to read, it detracts from the validity of an idea or argument.

                            People may think, oh, calm down, it's not that big a deal, we get the idea anyway.


                            We do get the idea behind a poorly spelled post. But it's the difference between watching a movie on a TV with bad reception and broken rabbit ears versus on digital cable through a flat-screen.

                            Furthermore, flippantly ignoring the basics shows a fundamental disrespect for the reader who has to unnecessarily strain just to untangle and comprehend whats being said.

                            Simply put, it's rude.

                            You may think looking marginally-literate is cute. It's not. It's like walking around in public with your fly down and your butt crack showing.


                              what kind of libertarian tells someone else what they think is rude.
                              Its like the definition of business casual pretty fluid and depends on the situation.


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