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Put your neighbor in jail rally this Saturday

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    Silverback,i would suggest getting your media from something other than the mainstream.

    When our armoured convoys roll down the streat aphgannys throw rocks and give us the finger,women too.

    The worst thing that has happened but hasnt been reported is the moral of the us troops.It is gone.Many are now on there 3rd or 4th tours.I know 2001 seems like yesterday,but its not,its been a long time.We lost this war.

    Let me repeat WE HAVE LOST.


      You weren`t supposed to notice Incog.............still waitng for my `girlfriend` saskfarmer to call........guess he`s/she`s found someplace warm and fuzzy in Alberta or BC......it`s all about self-righteousness don`t ya know!!



        Good of you to be good natured about the jab in the ribs!

        How long have we been waiting for the Sask party to get elected?

        Seems like forever... like yesterday we met in Saskabush and listened to Ritter spin spider webs... he caught those folks who would listen to his deceit... as smooth as a frying pan full of bacon grease.... but twice as slippery!

        But we are Canuks... AYE... Thick, slow to judge... except when it comes to sticking our noses in the neighbours business... they should go to jail for trying to earn an honest living... SHOULDN'T THEY?

        And fast as lightning to forgive... especially if a share of our neighbours property is promised to be mailed to us monthly!

        And then we have the nerve to call Americans down when we are twice the busy bodies they are!?

        As if Hollywood Brainteasers will save our world from greed and stupidity... with the morals of alley-cats! We now can top them with a T.O. or Vancouver high that is out of this world... and just as useful!



          You say; "Let me repeat WE HAVE LOST."

          Interesting how short your memory is!

          Nov. 11 was how many days ago?

          Give your head a shake!

          Your method would be... what... live off the "Fat of the Land" and some one else's pain?

          How long have you spent sweating in 120 Degree heat... or sleeping in the sand freezing cold... because hate filled maniacs would rather blow our limbs and heads off... than earn a living the honest way?

          C.P. shame... SHAME! Those who died fighting for YOUR freedom did not die in VAIN...

          Unless your attitude is accepted & prevails!


            Then unplug your modem and start walking east until you end up in Mecca and start worshiping your new god.

            Or, start growing poppies like the winners of this war will want.

            I don't see opium listed on barcharts quite yet.


              Tom,and what part of "never again" can you not remember.

              These "wars" are making us more enemies not fewer.

              There is more opium being grown now then when the taliban where in charge.

              Osama bin boogeyman was never a threat to our freedoms or way of life.

              Our troops dont want to be there and the people who live there dont want us there.

              p.s-its o.k to hate war


                Shouldn't go here (off topic/not marketing) but I have to question the comments about our troops and Afghanis opinion. The troop attitude I haven't seen information on. For Afghanistan, the CBC did do recent survey that would indicate many Afghani people do support troops as a short term solution to stabalizing their country.


                Again off topic but I found the quick facts on the right side interesting. Afghanistan has 28.5 mln people, only 5 mln short of Canada's population. Median age is 17.5. Life expectancey is 42.3.


                  Letter to the Editor,

                  National Campaign to save the Canadian Wheat Board

                  This Saturday in Regina there is a meeting on how Canadians can support and save the Canadian Wheat Board. Attending are the National Farmers Union, labour union representatives the L’Union des Producteurs Agricoles, Liberal and New Democrat members of Parliament.

                  It seems like the support and drive to keep the CWB alive is much stronger outside of western Canada.


                  An archaic regime still forces today’s progressive grain producer to accept as gospel the right of the CWB to deem what is best for them for their milling wheat, durum, malt barley, export feed wheat, and feed barley.

                  The honest truth is that Western Canadian farmers are tired of a monopoly that controls the price for these crops.

                  These same farmers grow quality crops like canola, pulses, oats, and flax that Canada has become renown for. With these crops, farmers can make their own marketing choice; choices that provide their business sound net returns. These producers choose when they want to sell, for what price and to various buyers they can access.

                  Would wheat, soybean, corn producers in Ontario accept what I here in Alberta, face in marketing my wheat or barley?

                  Perhaps PEI potato growers should be forced to market their produce through a monopoly with every potato grower in Canada!

                  In their desperation to have Canadians support the CWB monopoly, these folks have linked the CWB to the supply-managed sector in Canada. This is a different issue!

                  Supply management is the mechanism by which milk, poultry and egg farmers in Canada are able to fix prices and supply our domestic market. It is not for exports.

                  Being known as the breadbasket to the world, our cereal and oilseed crop production in Western Canada has always been driven by exports. Although our wheat and malt barley meet the top demands of our customers worldwide, acreage has been steadily declining in these crops as producers are growing other commodities where they have control over their marketing and profitability.

                  No substantial growth will happen in Western Canada with wheat, durum and barley until this oppressive regulatory environment is removed.

                  I personally can’t see how some Canadians want to hold back Canada’s potential. My roots in farming go back to great grandparents that were original homesteaders in 1893. I am proud to be a grain and oilseed producer, one that sees innovation, growth, potential new markets and strong rural communities. It is time for a new beginning!

                  Jeff Nielsen

                  President Western Barley Growers Association


                    Anyone interested in good reporting of what our boys and girls are accomplishing in Afghanistan should check out the following blog.


                    Its not mainstream so it meets cottons criteria that way. But it also shows that they are kicking ass and making a difference so I'm sure he won't accept it.

                    Because no matter what the evidence cotton is always right. Reminds me of a wheat board director.

                    Don't forget to check out the archive as well. Lots of good reading and lots for us to be proud of.


                      If someone were to go too this pow wow
                      what would they find. Dion showed up at the last one?

                      Charlie spoke of the median age in Afgan what do you suppose it would be at this meeting, 83? Maybe less if you count all the trade unionists but they don't get a vote anyways.

                      What is their (trade unions) motives for being involved? What could possibly be a benefit from putting their lot in with this group. Is it the old Hammer and sickle or is that too simplistic.
                      If the CWB is found to be involved will that go against the govt order not to get involved in the politics of it all.
                      When will Harper call for a confidence motion on the Monopoly (wheat and Barley) and finish this once and for all. It would be another vote Borat Dion could abstain from.


                        found this on the WBGA web site, no comment on this farce from the WCWGA yet I'm sure they will be saying something. As to those attending, several CWB directors, one sure as heck hopes that they are not charging there $500 per diem as it has nothing to do with managing the operations of the CWB. Yet knowing the board of directors they will just amend their code of conduct just like they did to keep Flamam at the table. Just corruption at the corporate level once more!!
                        Erik - oh and being called up and berated by the "Controller" of the CWB can be fun at times!!

                        Letter to the Editor,

                        National Campaign to save the Canadian Wheat Board

                        This Saturday in Regina there is a meeting on how Canadians can support and save the Canadian Wheat Board. Attending are the National Farmers Union, labour union representatives the L’Union des Producteurs Agricoles, Liberal and New Democrat members of Parliament.

                        It seems like the support and drive to keep the CWB alive is much stronger outside of western Canada.


                        An archaic regime still forces today’s progressive grain producer to accept as gospel the right of the CWB to deem what is best for them for their milling wheat, durum, malt barley, export feed wheat, and feed barley.

                        The honest truth is that Western Canadian farmers are tired of a monopoly that controls the price for these crops.

                        These same farmers grow quality crops like canola, pulses, oats, and flax that Canada has become renown for. With these crops, farmers can make their own marketing choice; choices that provide their business sound net returns. These producers choose when they want to sell, for what price and to various buyers they can access.

                        Would wheat, soybean, corn producers in Ontario accept what I here in Alberta, face in marketing my wheat or barley?

                        Perhaps PEI potato growers should be forced to market their produce through a monopoly with every potato grower in Canada!

                        In their desperation to have Canadians support the CWB monopoly, these folks have linked the CWB to the supply-managed sector in Canada. This is a different issue!

                        Supply management is the mechanism by which milk, poultry and egg farmers in Canada are able to fix prices and supply our domestic market. It is not for exports.

                        Being known as the breadbasket to the world, our cereal and oilseed crop production in Western Canada has always been driven by exports. Although our wheat and malt barley meet the top demands of our customers worldwide, acreage has been steadily declining in these crops as producers are growing other commodities where they have control over their marketing and profitability.

                        No substantial growth will happen in Western Canada with wheat, durum and barley until this oppressive regulatory environment is removed.

                        I personally can’t see how some Canadians want to hold back Canada’s potential. My roots in farming go back to great grandparents that were original homesteaders in 1893. I am proud to be a grain and oilseed producer, one that sees innovation, growth, potential new markets and strong rural communities. It is time for a new beginning!

                        Jeff Nielsen
                        President Western Barley Growers Association (wbga.org)
                        Olds, AB.


                          thanks Just_wondering, got it in here before I could ! sorry for the repetition!



                            The arguments to let Hitler get away with his 1939 world domination ambitions were no different than Saddam in Kuwait.

                            The USA stopped Libia in its tracks... North Korea, Iran (I Hope).

                            You can cash your cheques and speculate on the markets/your grain... because the world has an enforcer that didn't let Osama get away with blowing up New York. C.P.... discipline/order are not optional...

                            Force is required to maintain law and order. When those who do not respect their neighbours... when they are bold enough to take life and liberty and use them as if they were used cars... we are/were at war already.


                              Tom IF the U.S had Stayed in Afghanistan yes maybe Osama would have been caught but instead George and Dick take a sharp right turn and GO to IRAQ !!! Why ? Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11 unless you're listening to Billy o'Really.
                              So now we have no idea where Osama is , the Taliban are getting stronger, and everyday in Iraq Americans are killed for what? and Iraquis are killed because of civil war and new terrorist are signing up everyday because of the occupation.
                              Some wars are just - this is not one of them


                                if the usa had spent a small per centage on domestic security compared to what they've spent to be in iraq they could have had been much safer now. why is it they can always get osama's no. 2 man but not osama? something to do with the saudi's perhaps? osama must have more vice presidents than a bank.


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