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The Age of Silicone & the "Bio-Economy".

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    The Age of Silicone & the "Bio-Economy".


    To better understand where the Bio-Economy is going to go, we must first understand where the Silicone/High Tech Economy is taking us.

    Have you heard of Moores Law?

    Moore’s Law and the Economics of Semiconductor Price Trends
    Kenneth Flamm

    University of Texas at Austin

    In 1965, just 5 years after the construction of the first integrated circuit (IC), Gordon E. Moore (then at Fairchild Semiconductor) predicted that the number of devices on a single integrated circuit would double every year.1 Later modifications of that early prediction have passed into the everyday jargon of our hightech society as “Moore’s Law.”

    Moore’s Law is nowadays invoked to explain just about anything pertaining to high technology: the explosion in Internet use of the late 1990s: rapid improvement in price-performance in semiconductors, computers, communications, and just about everything electronic; the continuing rapid improvement in the technical capabilities of information technology; and the productivity rebound of the late 1990s in the U.S. economy. All of these things, indeed, may be connected to Moore’s Law, but “explaining” them with a reference to Moore’s Law may obscure more than it illuminates.

    This paper creates a framework for interpreting the economic implications of Moore’s Law. I first describe the history of Moore’s Law predictions and explain why they have such potentially wide-ranging consequences. I then show how a Moore’s Law prediction must be coupled with other assumptions in order to produce an economically meaningful link to what is the key economic variable of the information age: the cost or price of electronic functionality, as implemented in a semiconductor integrated circuit. I then relate the historical evolution of semiconductor prices through the mid-1990s to developments in several key parameters...http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11134&page=151

    The Bio-economy is going to be driven by the semiconductor.

    Silicone is KING.

    High tech will do whatever it needs to... to remain on top!

    The power brokers of today... the wealth brokers of tomorrow... will do what is required to incorporate Silicone/High Tech into the production systems...

    THis is a perception/reality economy... get in step and aboard... or you are toast!

    I couldn't believe a latest Video game.

    Global Warming "Detractors" are the object of scorn, ridicule, and death in this game.

    Global Warming and the Bio-economy are driven by the Silicone/High Tech forces.

    They have been right since 1965, and have fixed the world economy each time it stumbled ever since!

    Dream up a way to create the "New Reality" using "Silicone" and the Bio-economy combined... and you will be powerful and respected!

    ASK MR. & MRS. "Gates" where the future lays... !
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