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CWB rally?

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    CWB rally?

    Anyone go to the savemyCWB rally in Saskatchewan yesterday?

    Anything interesting to report?

    I went
    watch for opinion piece in the papers. I'll make sure you get a copy as well as post here.
    Nothing too worry about there, just a bunch of tired old farmers re-fighting battles from the past. It's so sad seeing these tired old beaten men ,and knowing they spent their lives fighting this useless battle
    "Hope beats fear"
    Brad Wall

    Vader was there as well maybe he'll post something.


      GO RIDERS!!!


        What about all of the non-farmers and easterners that were supposed to show up? Easter, Martin, the unions, UAP, etc.


          Fransisco- You will be happy to know both you and the Savemycwb organizer Ken Sigardson both agree that biofuels won't work.
          Grand total of 40 /- showed up out of that take 2 reporters,6 political candidates/hangers, on 4/6 organized labour,6 current or former CWB staff or directors 8 invited speakers about 10 retired farmers former NFU executive. 2 non monopoly supporters which leaves about 5ish farmers there who thought enough of the CWB to try and save it. (run on sentence)
          for a rough idea of what was said

          Blah blah Multinationals Blah blah blah conservatives are Fascists Blah blah blah we have to associate, co-operate and integrate with friendly non farmers because real farmers are not smart enough to understand how complex farm business is. Blah blah blah GET OUT we didn't mean we should co-operate with you

          Basically the messaging was
          To answer specific questions

          Easter confirmed but no show
          Martin confirmed but no show
          Peleron from UAP no show
          Sask Federation of Labour larry Hubick went long, lunch was off by 45 minutes
          no one from the fresh water fish marketing group was there but they did get a mention.

          the little NFU were there filming and acting web master so maybe it will get up on the
          www.savemycwb.ca website
          check it out and take a guess on why no one respectable will be seem with them.
          Stay tuned for the full report.
          Vader do you have anything to add?


            Well then if Ken agrees maybe I've gotten the whole bio fuel thing wrong.

            Thanks for the report.


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