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US durum exports

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    US durum exports

    Doesn't anyone care that the U.S. is exporting huge amounts of durum wheat while not growing enough for domestic needs? Whose wheat are they exporting? Yours?


    This should be no surprise.

    If Canada were to supply all US durum used domestically, the US grower would still have a huge volume to export... with OUT a single kernel of Canadian Durum being re exported from the US.

    Everyone is happy!

    Canadian growers get $12/bu, US growers get $16!

    And on top US/CDN consumers get cheap durum/Pasta!

    Isn't that why we have the CWB?


      I haven't had chance to see what's happening this year but the U.S. typically exports their lower quality durum to Italy and N. Africa and imports higher quality for their own domestic use.

      Curiously, the Italian pasta made from lower quality N. American durum often ends up in Canadian (and U.S.) retail stores as a discount-quality pasta product like what the Costcos and Wal-Marts and other discounters sell. It'd be very interesting to know where Wally-World's low-cost line of pasta comes from. I bet I can make a pretty good guess.


        We grew 35,000 bushels of high quality durum on our farm this year. How many CAISP payments would we have to get to equal the subsidy I provided to Canada (Algeria?) through the CWB?


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