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Saskatchewan Ag Minister

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    Saskatchewan Ag Minister

    Bob Bjornerud - minister of Agriculture and minister responsible for the Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation

    Brief Biography

    Bob was born in Kelvington and was raised in Saltcoats. He began his career in mining with International Minerals and Chemicals in Esterhazy. Following this, Bob went into farming. Bob has three children and four grandchildren.
    On the local level, Bob served as a councilor in the Rural Municipality of Saltcoats for 7 years and then as Reeve of the R.M. for another 7 years.

    Bob’s most significant concern is the overall state of rural Saskatchewan. He feels that all taxpayers have a stake in maintaining a healthy agriculture and agribusiness industry. "The Saskatchewan Party has laid out a clear plan for lower taxes, better health care, safer highways and a stronger agriculture sector. We have a plan to Grow Saskatchewan. We really look forward to stacking our plan up against the NDP record in the election."

    - Bob Bjornerud
    Bob was Deputy Chair of the Privileges Committee. See also, Committee Hansard.

    He was Opposition Critic for Agriculture as well as Deputy Critic for Government Relations, see Critic Duties. Bob also serves on the Caucus Economy Committee, see Caucus Committees.

    In 1995, Bob was elected to the Provincial Legislature to represent the Saltcoats Constituency. As one of the founding members of the Saskatchewan Party, Bob has served as the Agriculture critic, Municipal Affairs critic and Opposition Whip.

    What does anybody know about Bob.
    I took the above from his constituency website.

    Maybe he knows about the problems with Sask Crop Insurance already and will have some fixes by 08 crop year.
    Property Tax relief?
    possibly a review of fertilizer pricing, what do people want to see?
    How about everyone's favorite, supporting marketing choice


      The Sask Party platform is to support marketing choice.


        So is the Conservatives, but how much closer are we now than when they came to power?

        Actions speak louder than words


          It is nice to have an ag minister that knows which end of a fork is the working end.


            Why do our leaders have to be farmers?The cwb directors make 60,80,120grand for way less work I'll bet than thousands of true farm and community volunteers.They swear loyalty to the cwb.Not to farmers.
            Last time I checked,NOBODY that serves on a farm board,commodity group,etc ever gets a red cent,except maybe some expenses if you r lucky.

            That is atime honored tradition of real farm groups.That means they serve.Not master.They never lose sight of why they are there.He who pays the piper calls the tune.

            The cwb is not 'farmer run'It is run by a bunch of guys who I bet really need the extra directors fees.

            THEY need the cwb monopoly to persist.No real farmer does.


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