Is canola marketing different because crushers can buy all grades of canola and are able to give price which relates to the goods delivered.
Crushers market oil of all grades and are willing to invest in finding new uses for their /our products as we will both prosper.
Wheat/barley customers are very specific in their requirement ie milling wheat must make good bread and barley good malt.Off spec material has no value to them and is of no interest.
Feedindustry aims to use less grain /lb liveweight gain with better breeding etc so again using more grain is not on their agenda.
So who is helping find new markets for grain?
JD spend $2,000,000/DAY on R&D.
What new uses could be found for a raw material like wheat with investment like this?
Biodegradable plastics from a renwable source,
Expanded starch packaging/ polystrene replacer which is again biodegradable.
Ethanol in petrol are all possible.
I am sure there are many other uses grains could be put to with the right research and markerting body.
How do we get someone to be the equivalent of the crusher for grain.
Someone who is looking to maximise the quantity sold and gain the premiums available for the right quality and activly seek out new uses and markets for for our products.
Anyone think they can do this as an individual?
Crushers market oil of all grades and are willing to invest in finding new uses for their /our products as we will both prosper.
Wheat/barley customers are very specific in their requirement ie milling wheat must make good bread and barley good malt.Off spec material has no value to them and is of no interest.
Feedindustry aims to use less grain /lb liveweight gain with better breeding etc so again using more grain is not on their agenda.
So who is helping find new markets for grain?
JD spend $2,000,000/DAY on R&D.
What new uses could be found for a raw material like wheat with investment like this?
Biodegradable plastics from a renwable source,
Expanded starch packaging/ polystrene replacer which is again biodegradable.
Ethanol in petrol are all possible.
I am sure there are many other uses grains could be put to with the right research and markerting body.
How do we get someone to be the equivalent of the crusher for grain.
Someone who is looking to maximise the quantity sold and gain the premiums available for the right quality and activly seek out new uses and markets for for our products.
Anyone think they can do this as an individual?