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Are The Conservatives Fascists?

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    Are The Conservatives Fascists?

    Reorting on the Regina rally,Francisco said the Feds were called 'facists'for their CWB changes.
    As a strong wheat board supporter I dislike what the Tories are doing.So I looked up the definition of 'facism'
    It refers to a powerful,authoritarian state where the people have only nominal ownership of their property.The state authority has all the control.

    Reading further I learned that Joseph Goebbles said that "the businessmen shall think they have ownership BUT it will be an illusion because Control not ownership is what counts;and WE shall have that."

    SO as a CWB supporter I would have to say that this perfectly fits the CWB scheme:farmers have the appearance of ownership but no control.

    Therefore,facism is a complement of the highest order so the Conservatives are not worthy of this honor.

    What the Tories are trying to do is return the CONTROL over property(GRAIN)to the people that grew it.This is opposite to Facism.We CWB supporters dont want this to happen.So it is US,not the Tories that should have the very noble title of "FASCIST"

    The tories also ordered the CWB to stop spending on "propaganda".They were called Facist for this too.

    As it turns out,under facism there is only one party and,only one point of view.Everyone should have to pay for propaganda,whether you support it or not.The cwb must be able to spend unlimited amounts here.How else can you maintain amonopoly regime if not through monopoly thought control?

    So,once again it is we CWB supporters who are the real true staunch Fascists almost by definition.
    And not those who would empower individuals,create diversity in ideas while eliminating monopolies in control and in discussion.


      Hmmm, interesting point. Especially since it was Karl Marx who said "The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property."


        So,then FRancisco,our beloved cwb system could NOT be communist,since it still relies on at least the appearance of private property.

        It is certainly not capitalism since freely trading is a"prohibited act" under the CWB Act.

        So.it seems that we have arrived at the ideal mix.The precise definition of what the CWB system is.Textbook FASCISM.A system where the little capitalists are still lured into producing while WE take what they have produced.Kind of a national socialism sorta thing.

        We cwb types should be proud to wear the mantle of facism.We need the ruthless use of force.We need the illusion of private property.We need the constant bombardment of propaganda.And you choice people are a minority.Minorities have NO rights.

        Ve haf vays uf keeping you in line.



          "Fascist as epithet ('imposed' meaning)

          Main article: Fascist (epithet)
          The word fascist has become a slur throughout the political spectrum following World War II (WWII), and it has been uncommon for political groups to call themselves fascist. In contemporary political discourse, adherents of some political ideologies tend to associate fascism with their enemies, or define it as the opposite of their own views. In the strict sense of the word, Fascism covers movements before WWII, and later movements are described as Neo-fascist.

          Some have argued that the term fascist has become hopelessly vague over the years and that it has become little more than a pejorative epithet. George Orwell wrote in 1944:

          ...the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else... almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’.[23]"


            Tom, you forgot "Grammar Nazi".


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