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Ghosts at the CWB and MNP!

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    Ghosts at the CWB and MNP!

    Jackson, in traveling around home in District 1 over the past few days… has encountered many producers with multiple ballots that have been mailed out to them by MNP.

    3 or 4 ballots per producer are not that uncommon… especially for those farms that exploit CWB policy… that allows 45t per permit book, automatic acceptance, on the first contract signed per series.

    Jackson came to a new realization that anyone who truly believes in the CWB “single desk” also must have a CWB monopoly ghost language interpreter that accompanies the believer, and creates selective new meanings for certain words creating a new special strain of “single mindedness”!

    What does Jackson mean?

    Talking to MNP's Pete… and quoting CWB Act 5.(2) “No Producer may vote more than once in an election.” … the MNP/CWB ghost legal interpreter extracts the Word “NO” out of Pete’s mind… with out PETE even knowing… and replaces it with “A Chosen Producer may vote more than once in an election ”…


    “Designated Area” farmers know there are multiple ballots per producer floating around in many producer’s homes right now…

    Most think its OK for MNP and the CWB to let pass… Obviously the law means nothing when it comes to democratic rights!

    Except when the Tom Jackson family is concerned… Then the ghost interpreter inserts in the election co-coordinators mind… Jackson’s are not allowed to vote in this election at all.

    It doesn’t matter that Mr. Jackson is an Actual Producer in District 1, or that Mr. Jackson has expressed the concern that he has not been included in the District 1 voters list, MNP and the CWB are bound and determined that Mr. Jackson is not going to vote in this 02 District one election at all.

    The ghost interpreter tells MNP's Pete… that multi votes are OK for other farmers in this election… but that the CWB and MNP spending the last 2 years insuring that Jackson’s family cannot vote… by adjusting the CWB permit application “electoral district” election … from a district one election… replaced by CWB staffers with a district 4 election… on the permit book … is not interference in the election process...

    Now let us read the two applicable CWB Act sections together… that apply directly...

    The CWB Act…5.(2) “No Producer may vote more than once in an election.” … 6.(2); “A producer who produces grain in more than one electoral district may only be included in one voters list, which is chosen by the producer.”

    Since there is no election or voters list in this election for District 4, and since Mr. Jackson had elected District 1 for this election… WHY SHOULDN’T JACKSON VOTE?

    After all… Jackson was certainly entitled to run to become a CWB director for District 1 in this 02 election!

    Like a ghost magician… the MNP election coordinator created a new ghost monopoly rule to cut Jackson out of ANY vote at ALL… while sending multiple ballots to other individual CWB District 1 Producers.

    MNP’s PETE said for Mr. Jackson to take MNP and the CWB to court… if Jackson did not like what was happening! So here we are… in the court of PUBLIC OPINION!

    Jackson’s question is… since this blatant disregard for democracy and the integrity of the CWB election process is occurring through this MNP election administration… as we speak… what other special ghost monopoly interpretations is MNP administrating?

    Looks like your getting that good old political answer "NO COMMENT".



      It is really interesting that the CWB election is claimed by Minister Goodale... and the CWB to be an effective democratic solution to "designated area" wheat and barley producers needs to govern the CWB.

      Yet even you Kernel... have been sucked in by the CWB ghost into not talking about how corrupt the whole CWB election process is!

      How do we expect a real solution for CWB governance problems... when everyone knows from square one....

      That even the one vote per producer stated as a requirement in the CWB Act...

      Is totally ignored by both the CWB and MNP!

      If this is how they deal with this issue... while refusing to send out even one ballot to Mr. Jackson... a bonified district one wheat and barley producer... just how many ballots are MNP and the CWB sending out to monopoly supporters?


        I had a Wheat Board advance but was not on the voters list.



          Were you able to get a ballot?


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