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Farm Boyz Rule Ottawa - By Terence Corcoran of Financial Post.

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    Farm Boyz Rule Ottawa - By Terence Corcoran of Financial Post.

    Farm boyz rule Ottawa.

    Terence Corcoran, Financial Post
    Published: Tuesday, December 04, 2007
    The fourth annual Canadian Renewable Fuel Subsidies Association Summit, where corn and biofuels are a religion, opened yesterday morning. I couldn't make it to Quebec City for the two-day event, but I had no trouble finding out what the summit is all about. Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, a Saskatchewan boy, opened the event with a promise that Ottawa would keep the subsidies coming. As Mr. Ritz said in his speech, "in making every decision on every policy, I'm fully committed to putting farmers first." We all know what that means: Make cities pay.

    [URL="http://www.financialpost.com/story.html?id=4e8fbab4-1360-4ea9-b946-353065b8d7f6"]Click Here to Read the Rest of his commentary.[/URL]

    What do you think of his point of view...

    Can't say that I disagree.

    One Myth leads to another. The man made global warming holocaust notion is a myth which has lead to the myth that bio fuels can stop it which itself is predicated on the myth that government intervention can and should solve any and all problems.

    All of which in this case doesn't help the myth that the Conservatives are actually Conservatives.



      The price of wheat may 14% protein and 86% politics...

      But, energy is even less market driven than wheat!

      The price of Energy and Oil is 98% politics and 2% market value if you are lucky!





        That's the problem, and conservatives are the ones who are supposed to know it.


          Doesn't take long for an easterner to start complaining when the west has some influence in gov policy

          Torontonians better get used to paying more for food too not just gas.


            Frankly as a producer I am happy that Ritz is putting the farmer first, as the federal Minister of Agriculture...

            As for the inclusion rates in fuel I would rather have ethanol used as the fuel oxygenate (Fuel oxygenates are chemicals containing oxygen that are added to fuels, especially gasoline, to make them burn more efficiently. Adding oxygenates to gasoline boosts the gasoline's octane level and reduces atmospheric pollution associated with automobile emissions. Examples of fuel oxygenates are:methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE),tert-amyl methyl ether (TAME), diisopropyl ether (DIPE),ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE),
            tert-amyl alcohol (TAA),tert-butyl alcohol (TBA),and of course ethanol)than the other options.

            You see I am pretty sure that the rest of the oxyxygenate options are carbon fuel derived, and are non renewable.

            As for bio diesel and ethanol blended gasoline it is a fact that the use of these blended fuels will improve the air quality and the environment, particularly in urban centres where Cocoran calls home and of where most of city and urban readers live. This is much greater importance to me than the myth of man made gloabl warmin and climate change.

            Comparing the public policy of supply management in certain segments of agriculture to the Feds involvement in promoting the use of bio derived renewable fuels blends is a stretch at best. To then link the religous right and a climate change alarmist to any current conservative policy direction on the matter is the real joke.


              This article really shows how the media or in this case a jornalist uses his articles for his personal agendas.
              He forgets to mention it is the cities who are contributing to the so called global warming...It is the cities who feel that Green house gasses are a major issue....I think it is hilarious that when the cities need to belly up and pay for Global warming, this Jornalist starts to complain
              The truth is everybody is concerned about global warming as long as it does not inconvenence or cost them
              Politics......This proves you need to be careful for what you ask for..you might actually get it


                Hermes, you're out of line. Corcoran doesn't buy the greenhouse gas boogie woogie and has written many times about how and why it is BS.


                  Interesting how i sat with a collection of staffers in a ministers office looking out the window pointing out to them the vehicles driving by that burned diesel. Seems they thought diesel wasn't used in Ottawa. Yup, a long way to go.


                    Took a look into the improved air quality claim.

                    While ethanol does cut back on the greenhouse gas emissions by about 30%, a byproduct of the combustion of ethanol is ozone, the building block of smog. According to a recent Stanford study, we would see an increase in the amount of smog in major urban areas.

                    I'm sure the city folks will be real happy with that outcome. It's cleaner burning but we get more smog.


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