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    KVD B@#L S!%T

    From wild oats newsletter
    Duvanald never said who he quoted
    and fails to mention that this commodity wheat receives a higher price than our KVD varieties a little balance please.

    From the Floor
    Opinion derived from traders on the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange

    KVD brands Canadian wheat. Wheat from every other country in the world is commodity wheat.
    KVD, kernel visual distinguishability, allows a user to identify wheat by variety just by looking at it. The user, therefore, knows the wheat’s precise physical attributes - critical at the higher end of processing.
    Eliminating KVD would benefit ethanol production. KVD prevents the licensing of currently available wheats that are mostly starch, plus yield higher.
    Ethanol is the quintessential commodity. Wheat ethanol competes against sugar cane ethanol, the beneficiary of 12 months of tropical sun. The most efficient wheat in the world isn’t remotely competitive.
    Canada can get rid of KVD and thereby produce more commodity wheat. Plus, of course, have a compliance system that potentially leaves every farmer liable for the cost of an entire vessel of wheat. Plus force the trade to handle all non-commodity wheat as IP wheat.
    Or Canada can continue to produce the best value in wheat in the world, with zero liability and minimal administration for the farmer.

    He is right on. Until there is a cheap effective replacement , KVD should stay. Throwing it out before then would create a nightmare.



      What a mantra... the US has NO KVD... ans is getting $2-$3/bu more than the "Designated Area" In fact Eastern Canada does not even use KVD.

      We are different all right... we create logistics that cost big time and are done because of tradition... not technical or practical need.

      Spec purchase of wheat... falling #, Px., Ash, water absorption... flour yield... simple standards with specific specs. It is like saying all farm equipment must be the same colour... and be made by the same manufacturer...

      Not at all a fact... necessary... or even desirable!

      Genetic diversity is recognised as a valuable tool to be stable and manage unforeseen risks!


        kvd is bullsh*& alright, no premium with it, western canada is the only place in the world that it is used, and we get paid less for our KVD wheat than anywhere else in the world right now.......

        but fear not, it will be gone by 2010...time to move on....oh and by the way...

        screw the CWB!


          KvD has to go
          Anybody who disagrees has been brainwashed by the CWB and CIGI
          We have lost millions due to KVD


            crewth western canadian wheat board


              Somebody massacred my long post! That should say srew.




                  In the behind-the-scenes discussion on the KVD issue, Japan put a lot of pressure on the CGC to maintain KVD for HRS wheat. I'll have to dig around and see how much wheat Japan takes from us on a regular basis to see how important a customer Japan is. Too bad we can't "see" what they pay for Canuck wheat.


                    The whole kvd thing is part of the cwb/premium mythology.If they cant get a better price now than the comp.with a superior product,and by downloading all the costs of lower yields onto us farmers;IMAGINE how much their discount will be if they cant offer these freebees to the custmer at our expense.

                    All cwb price comparisons have purpsely ignored the compliance costs of our system:basis,storage,time value of money,and last but not least--LOWER YIELDS.

                    Having said that,forget fighting over KVD.GET RID OF THE MONOPOLY.The quality scam is just one more thing that is no longer an issue the minute you and I can deal directly with customers and THEY will decide what defines value.Not the bureaucratic middleman.

                    We can grow any kind of peas,mustard,feed grain we find profitable.Deregulate and the market(us) will create value.


                      right on the money winwin...

                      I seen the latest export numbers to Japan and we have less than half their market for milling wheat, the rest coming from non kvd suppliers.....

                      get rid of the cwb, let us contract milling grain directly with our customers....that will take care of the KVD...

                      and remember that as growers we have invested a pile of money to develope a black box system to replace KVD in 2010, we would not need this if the CWB was out of the picture as we would have a direct contractual realtionship with the buyer...instead of working with the grainco's that are handling on behalf of buyer(CWB).....the costs are being downloaded to us....everyone gets their risks mitigated and we pay....this stinks

                      to hell with KVD.....and oh yeah...

                      screw the CWB...

                      nearby MGEX at over 10 bucks, Dec 08 well over $8 ....man are we getting humped!!!!


                        With all that is happening in the world wheat markets today, and when the market realizes that the Argentina crop will be severly downgraded, it makes me sick to look at our PRO's. Again for the fifth year in a row HRSW will generate the lowest net return/ac for most farmers. This should be a time for Canadian hard red wheat to realy shine for the producers of the "best" quality wheat in the world. Yes the returns are better than in previous years but still at the bottom of the heap in terms of net returns compared to canola/peas/lentils/barley/mustard/cpsw/winter wheat. Only 1/3 of hrsw gets a premium, we as producers have been blinded into thiking that HRSW is our stapple, just look at the "net" returns. If HRSW does not give us one of the highest returns/ac this/next year it may well never do so again in our lifetime - sad fact! Time will tell with the borgs performance in the next 6-12mths weather it is worth it's bloated weight. If we do not recieve the highest average yearly price than any other exporting nation over the next 12 mths time to bulldoze the borg down. And yes I believe KVD is bullsh@t in a round about way.


                          Would the only users ofwholly KVD wheat in the world not be our own domestic users. who are buying basically on a freight discount rather than on the superiority of our Canadian product?
                          I have talked to millers from other parts of the world who use alot of Canadian wheat just like they use Austalian (mill owners) and american Grain.
                          No importer relies on one supplier for all their needs ,poor risk management. The hits we take on # 1 yeild, disease resistance and novel traits are not enough for us as Western Canadian Farmers to accept this regulatory cost!
                          As someone said once farmers can deal with end users, or a middle man who can at least talk with their own customers, we will grow which ever variety they want us to grow as long as it meets their spec.


                            It makes me sick to see that all over we have been sold a load of Crap.Read the latest Western Producer and see what Ken ridder wrote. THe man should be put in Jail for Crap like he spouts.
                            9.00 plus is what we should be getting for HRS in Western Canada and No not plus freight off. In the Pit.
                            THE CWB HAS GOT TO GO! ITS COSTING US MILLIONS>


                              Lets throw Kanadia's rep as a supplier of quality grain, out the window. We are open marketeers. Let the producer and the buyer decide what is good or bad. Lets let the chislers and hucksters run the system. Lots of cash for everyone. Look at Brex, to hell with the losers, look at the winners, they got away with billions, even though it was fraud. The end justifies the means, we are open for business. Give us framers a chance we deserve a chance, to try and do the same. Let us become land barons and we will control, who eats and who doesn't. We will all be dicccctators, legends in our own minds...


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