To try and bring this back to my point,
Here's a skill testing question.
Identify correctly the type of marketing system each of the following commodities operate under. Canola, Peas, Mustard, Lentils, Oats, Flax, Rye, Buckwheat, Corn, Soybeans, Cattle, United States Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Barley, European Wheat, Canola, Barley, Oats.
Your choices are 1. an open market system 2. A single desk system and 3. A voluntary board system.
The correct answer is 1. an open market system, and I want exactly what those commodities have.
Again it's an open market system we should be talking about and striving to achieve. Yes a pooling company can operate within an open market system and if there is enough demand for that, I have no problem with it. But that pooling company must not, under any cicumstances have any regulatory power what-so-ever. None. Zero. It is also up to those farmers who demand pooling to develop and nurture that pooling company. And that pooling company must be free to survive and thrive or fail just like any other company.
Here's a skill testing question.
Identify correctly the type of marketing system each of the following commodities operate under. Canola, Peas, Mustard, Lentils, Oats, Flax, Rye, Buckwheat, Corn, Soybeans, Cattle, United States Wheat, Corn, Soybeans, Barley, European Wheat, Canola, Barley, Oats.
Your choices are 1. an open market system 2. A single desk system and 3. A voluntary board system.
The correct answer is 1. an open market system, and I want exactly what those commodities have.
Again it's an open market system we should be talking about and striving to achieve. Yes a pooling company can operate within an open market system and if there is enough demand for that, I have no problem with it. But that pooling company must not, under any cicumstances have any regulatory power what-so-ever. None. Zero. It is also up to those farmers who demand pooling to develop and nurture that pooling company. And that pooling company must be free to survive and thrive or fail just like any other company.