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CWB has $600,000 of my MONEY? How are they working for you?

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    CWB has $600,000 of my MONEY? How are they working for you?

    Just did a quick comparison on grain in my bin and grade compared to the US spot price in Pit payable to the farmer! Comparing CWB price now freight off with the above.
    On my farm it works out that they owe me some where close to$600,950.00 above what I am being given.
    That's above the initial price. So for you CWB supporters this is real money that is owed to me and would be in my account but guess what we have the CWB that maybe, Just maybe will get me 1/2 of this amount in the next 12 months. Interest on this amount would be $22,535.00 at today's rates.
    Yes everyone is Equal except in the Designated area.

    OH I forgot my Barley at $50,000.00 difference.



      You can't blame the board any more than you could blame the school custodian because the 30 year old furnace just died and left your kids freezing at school. You'd blame the school superintendent or the school board.

      They would be the ones who had the power to allocate funding for a new furnace but chose not to do so.

      In this case blame Harper, blame Ritz, blame those who have the power to fix the problem but choose not to do so.

      The board will never change, ever. We're only fools if we think the current system will ever change unless those who have the power to fix the problem properly and permanantly, choose to do so.



        Adam I blame the Farmers of Western Canada. Who have not yet come to a 100% unanimous end to the CWB. The Liberals and NDP are only concerned with one thing VOTES not what is right and till we have a Clear majority their will not be a change.
        So farmers read, ask questions etc and lets finally come up with a consensus that the CWB is Done and has to Go.


          SFA3: The CWB owes you NOTHING. Why do you lie? If the 'spot' price is higher somewhere else on this planet, then hurry up and deliver to that source and get that higher price. What is holding you back?

          You are becoming paranoid about the CWB...give it a rest.



            Every riding in western Canada that represents designated area growers voted Tory.

            Farmers voted 63% to rid the cwb of it's monopoly on barley.

            What more is needed.

            Ritz and Harper have all the moral authority needed to act accordingly, but they have chosen not to.

            It's deliberate.

            All the actors in this drama have stuck to script save the lead actor, teh federal gov't.

            Now it's time to shout and boo him out of the building!



              What are you talking about?

              All CWB Daily Price Contracts filled in an hour and a half... 4 months before harvest and known quality... is avaliable to fill these contracts.

              Fixed Price Contracts that are basis priced $60/t below market value... NO CHOICE... done only to pad the pool accounts.

              You need to give your head a shake... if you think the CWB can get away with the great grain robbery of 2007!

              And if you won't admit it happened... then we know you are rich enough that it doesn't matter to you any more... Unlike thousands of younger farmers that are having the life blood sucked out of their grain farm by the CWB.

              Do you even care about the next generation of grain farmers Wilagro?


                SF3, if you need that money the solution is called an EPO, that will get that money into your hands and working for you...Not that I agree with the system, it's flawed but there are options.


                  Adam I blame the Farmers of Western Canada. Who have not yet come to a 100% unanimous end to the CWB. The Liberals and NDP are only concerned with one thing VOTES not what is right and till we have a Clear majority their will not be a change.
                  So farmers read, ask questions etc and lets finally come up with a consensus that the CWB is Done and has to Go.


                    First the EPO is short $1.63 on HRS or more and on durum its over $4.00 so yes their are other solutions but this is for shock and the value between what the board is giving and what we could get if their wasn't legal action against western Canadian Farmers. So even if you use the EPO drop the total by $187,000.00. So show me the $463,150.00.
                    Oh by the way the CWB is Stealing the $187,000.00. and farmers like Velcro you just keep giving and giving to this organization. Come on the Dollars are gone from every Western Canadian Farmer its not just me its every single one of you who is held hostage by this group.


                      only 14% of farmers wanted no CWB


                        Well stubble then you like to donate thousands of dollars to keep the CWB running even if it costs your farm.
                        Yes last time only 14% voted for complete removal of the CWB with the latest Grain Robbery happening this year do you honestly believe that number will not be way higher next time their is a vote.
                        LET US OUT!


                          SJ, go here for a lesson on what can happen if you only hear what you want to hear.



                            Saskboy, If I were you, I wouldn't whine, cry, and brag so much about being soooo rich, cause the tax man is gonna git chaa. But then again, I guess they and the CWB are both conspiring to keep us framers poor. Maybe a move South to the u.s.a. is in order for you and yours. They love loudmouths and competition dare!



                              U CM'ed 2B PRT-kn 2 D QR. U R W8stng Ur time.
                              By the way, since you are a old-time simpleton, I'll write the rest of this in simpleton english, as the internet age has probably pasted U by already..you old-goat.

                              Didn't you want us to price our wheat in the US (your home country) 2 months ago when the US spot was $1.50 lower than today? What will it be in May?

                              RDNK Rnt U?


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