Just did a quick comparison on grain in my bin and grade compared to the US spot price in Pit payable to the farmer! Comparing CWB price now freight off with the above.
On my farm it works out that they owe me some where close to$600,950.00 above what I am being given.
That's above the initial price. So for you CWB supporters this is real money that is owed to me and would be in my account but guess what we have the CWB that maybe, Just maybe will get me 1/2 of this amount in the next 12 months. Interest on this amount would be $22,535.00 at today's rates.
Yes everyone is Equal except in the Designated area.
On my farm it works out that they owe me some where close to$600,950.00 above what I am being given.
That's above the initial price. So for you CWB supporters this is real money that is owed to me and would be in my account but guess what we have the CWB that maybe, Just maybe will get me 1/2 of this amount in the next 12 months. Interest on this amount would be $22,535.00 at today's rates.
Yes everyone is Equal except in the Designated area.