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U.S. durum exports

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    U.S. durum exports

    Italy, Algeria, Venezuela and Tunisia are the top offshore buyers of durum wheat from the U.S. so far this crop year. Total shipments and bookings have reached nearly a million tonnes, or nearly the USDA estimate for the entire crop year. The Wheat Board’s durum shipments from Aug. 1 to Oct. 31 to Italy are down 57% compared to a year ago, to Algeria down 60%, to Venezuela down 59% and to Tunisia down 100% (to zero). Total Canadian durum exports were 35% behind as of Oct. 31. U.S. exports are up 57%. Now who’s kidding whom about where American traders are getting all this durum?

    Haven't I Said the CWB is the best place to buy cheap Durum in the World the Cargill's and ADMS know that. Buy cheap from the Board and sell for profit to the World.
    Every one is happy! Except the Canadian Farmer!
    Last year every time I shipped #2 Durum in a Hundred car plus train it was going to USA minneapolis then where, You can guess.


      While I would not argue with your position it is worth noting that it has been reported that the U.S. trade is apparently blending some hard red wheat with their durum to stretch their supplies and offer a lower price. This is being done with the knowledge of the end user.


        craig --

        If DNS and durum can be blended into a saleable product in Canada's top durum export markets, where does that leave our grading system? And don't end users do their own blending all the time?


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