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The Truth

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    The Truth

    Can you handle it?


    Jeez i dont know why everythings going up.


    If I have this close to right,

    Canada as a Nation has 560b in debt.

    The US in 2005 was $46tri. by now must be $56 Trillion in Debt or more!

    This means Canada has 100X less debt than the US?


      The US explicit debt at the end of 2006 was 10.3 trillion. You have to add in the 39 or so trillion of future unfunded medicare and social security benefits to get up to that 50 trillion mark that Mr. Walker talks about. US GDP in 2006 was just over 13 trillion dollars, so about 75% of GDP.

      Canada’s national debt was around that 600 billion which is about 17 times less, Canada’s GDP in 2006 was about 1.1 trillion so that debt is about 55% of GDP. Remember though, that we also have a huge unfunded medicare and social security benefits. The Fraser institute estimates Canada’s unfunded medicare and public pensions at 1.6 trillion vs. the 39 trillion US estimated by the US government accountability office.

      Those last figures I find strange, in that the land of medicare would have less per capita unfunded medicare and pension liability than the US, but even if that’s true, we definitely aren’t 100 times better off than the Americans on the debt front.



        Thanks for doing the numbers!

        We have significantly more resourses, less debt, and fewer people means less unfunded liabilities as wew get older.

        That we are connected to the US and our problems are their problems... visa versa... there can be no question.

        A $1.25CDN $$$ is still probably too low in the long term... especially with who is going to be elected for the next President!

        Will Hillary get it.... I am Afraid ... YES.



          Tom: Obama...you gotta be kidding?



            "For the Democrats: Barack Obama

            December 15, 2007

            From the endorsement editorial:

            The most sobering challenges that face this country — terrorism, climate change, disease pandemics — are global. America needs a president with an intuitive sense of the wider world, with all its perils and opportunities. Barack Obama has this understanding at his core. The Globe endorses his candidacy in New Hampshire’s Democratic presidential primary Jan. 8.

            Many have remarked on Obama’s extraordinary biography: that he is the biracial son of a father from Kenya and a mother who had him at 18; that he was raised in the dynamic, multi-ethnic cultures of Hawaii and Indonesia; that he went from being president of the Harvard Law Review to the gritty and often thankless work of community organizing in Chicago; that, at 46, he would be the first post-baby-boom president.

            It is true that all the other Democratic contenders have more conventional resumes, and have spent more time in Washington. But that exposure has tended to give them a sense of government’s constraints. Obama is more open to its possibilities.

            Read the full endorsement Sunday in the Globe and on boston.com."



              Amerikey has had a Father and Son president. It is now ready for a Husband and Wife president. You see the u.s. likes stuff like that. It is the things that dreams/movies are made of. Thaat is what amerikey is smoke and mirrors, image.


                Amerikey has had a Father and Son president. It is now ready for a Husband and Wife president. You see the u.s. likes stuff like that. It is the things that dreams/movies are made of. Thaat is what amerikey is smoke and mirrors, image.


                  Now does everybody understand why grain is going up?


                    Color me stupid, but I think it's cause of supply/demand.



                      Tom this is for you seeing as how your showing an interest.



                        It is obvious these forces, that drive our economy... have the power and ability to drive money supply and therefore political fortunes.

                        The "end" has been coming for some time... yet the exponential ability of our monetary system to "spring" forward out of the mire...

                        Will provide the stability these "dark Liquidity" brokers require...

                        To keep our old train running down the track... at an ever increasing speed...

                        Money is in our imagination in the first place!

                        What else did you expect from the folks who bring us the International Space Station... GPS... and semiconductors up our cazoos!

                        Exponential growth is assumed!

                        Don't assume the train wreck is coming... they are laying; new, better, smoother... tracks for our financial train at an exponential rate!!!

                        C.P. ... Stand in front of the train?

                        Not a smart move!



                          It couldn't be clearer:

                          Canada is the back up supplier of wheat/red meat... we keep the base inventory for the rest of the world. Free on Board. Farmer assured. Better than Gold.

                          If we believe the CWB has anything to with "maximising grain grower returns"...

                          RIGHT... Like they have done this once in our life times!

                          We are the confident supplier of energy to those who create the "dark Liquidity"! Literally!


                            Tom: We are nothing but the supplier of what the USA WANTS...period. A safe reserve supply to be taken/stolen/purchased on their terms. We control very little of our destiny. Politicos like Mulroney and now Harper encouraged such domination by the USA and have sold us out, time and time again.


                              I do hope your right Tom.

                              I believe it was bill bonner over at the daily reckoning who tried to count the number of paper currencies that had existed in the history of the world.They were doing it alphabetically and i believe the story went that they stopped counting at f because they already had several hundred examples.

                              Quess what they all had in common,the currencies all became worthless.

                              The us dollar has lost over 95% of its value.The problem is this is the worlds reserve currency.

                              Your right about money and imagination.What good is 20 dollar wheat when a can of coke costs 20 bucks.


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